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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. deflate the K balls back to 1947—the great BB equalizer
  2. You’d hope that Brady’s recent shifts in personnel focus would expose this, if true and valid. God we need a speed ball to complement Josh style (aka Brown). Bill B must be drooling at the prospect of getting a QB1 star
  3. BUT BUT BUT in Mr Rogers neighborhood recovery times, promises flow freely like diarrhea in Mexico.
  4. I hope he shows up big in WC game. Let’s all be clear—we want him to turn the corner and it sure wasn’t his “desire” to get hurt.
  5. My kid at next time at Bills Press conference.
  6. How hard can this be in 2023? I can record quality audio from an ADK mountain or finger lake…that’s where Bills biz is still stuck like a small business auto repair shop vs $5B business.
  7. It’s time to spin the wheel on a proper WR2. If not for me, do it for our hero Josh. NFL GMs are smart people. They know that Gabe is a WR3/WR4.
  8. WC game on Peec0ck is going to blow up. Stupid for short and long term NFL. People just like to casually watch WC weekend front to back. 75M watching State Farm ads has to be more profitable.
  9. This year, the league has all beatable teams. Bills can beat any team in neutral field.
  10. The NFL has unmatched parity for professional sport and an uncanny ability to keep 25 teams and game pairs relevant in late Dec. that parity is exposing & highlighting any team, officiating, player cracks.
  11. I’m not Josh’s psychologist but it reminds me of the student that studies efficiency is high under a deadline pressure. Bills lost MANY 1 score games simply because they ran out of time (cram home work at study hall). Perfectly capable of win but didn’t turn on the jets until time was too short.
  12. MVP seems much wider open than typical. parity! No clear cut like recent past Mahomes Rogers Brady. McCaffrey/Hill are therefore impressive for non QB.
  13. Eek. Dude. You really sound like a grumpy old man, stuck in 1980s. BUF is about as NOT-sterile or corporate as stadiums can get. Have you pee’d at BUF since 1982? Or been to other NFL stadiums??
  14. Been to seven NFL venues. What stood out is the lack of college feel. OP might recognize as soccer songs. I’m accustomed to Bills home game. Other NFL venues often pipe out stupidly loud, poorly timed music. Fans get effectively “cut off” from building group energy. Commander's game this year, crowd couldn’t help the home team because the music cut them off. Sure, concourses are all better than BUF. But, I have been shocked at atmosphere bland. Like going to an indoor movie (IND DC DET MIA) vs. U2 outdoor rainy summer concert (BUF GB). Both venue types are technically entertainment but the later is an exciting entire group experience. P.S. my 20s yr old kids love BUF and thought DET sucked but they do now understand why I brought them only to quiet preseason games as youth!
  15. Fins win in Baltimore and they become “real”. aqua & marine blue friends can’t win in January
  16. See how these QB1s all look without WR2? welcome to Josh’s world !!
  17. “Stashing” a player by McD? NO. McDummy can’t play 3D Chess. Was he stashing Brady and Cook??
  18. Send Billy away with his LAST BUF present —> 2nd string Bills team all of 4Q! 31-13 Bills
  19. That type injury totally fits what’s happening.
  20. This. I can’t imagine the hits these guys take. He’s still hugely valubale at 75% speed, and I can see taking himself out for 20-40%. again, we should be nice to him. He deserves it.
  21. SoCal, you need to cut Diggs slack. You have a thing against him. He is it NOT alazy guy.
  22. A great talent, super fun for us, great human. HOF may come but I’m just glad to have him call our team his home. (We could have Aaron Rodger’s or Tyrod Taylor)
  23. Seriously? Diggs clearly is contributing the best he can. Reminds me of criticism of Beasley and then we learn he had a broken FIBULA.
  24. I’d put my money in hurt but not out. He’s very verbally quiet and does not seem agitated. Tells me he’s hobbled and almost a decoy-ish
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