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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. Dah
  2. Those rules were nuts. They had to sell every single ticket by Thur morning or it would be blacked out. 1 ticket not sold by Thu = blackout. So, they bought the last ones on Thur.
  3. Thank god. Johnson out felt like the straw that could break the back
  4. Does Josh still vomit before games still? I feel like vomiting ( and no beer !! )
  5. Not sure why you’d go thru life as a jerk SOB. Rex was at least fun and interesting! Not sure Terry would go for a Dougie Duche Bag type.
  6. Pacifiers. Now that is a good idea. Or diapers?? Safe but effective
  7. Frankly, I couldn’t see us winning without Douglas
  8. Final 8, on a 2H huge upswing major mgt changes make Zero sense.
  9. We should dig more of these out. See AJ RV Klein as case #1. maybe a fresh experienced medium guy can prevail
  10. Taylor rant
  11. A Bad tradition, just like jumping into fire. Should go away with Brady
  12. Beane has done a fine job. McD was on the edge at 6-6. Moved to BRADY, then, McD has used every trick possible on D after losing key D players. For god sake, a dude packing his RV was a tackle leader in a playoff game. That's an impressive fact for both Beane and McD. I can not criticize these guys until Sept. They are in the "medal round" of the Olympics, again. Getting Gold vs. Bronze is about luck (read: INJURY) as much as anything now.
  13. this wasn't / isn't true. It's like a airplane. If completely full, no way in hell. But, if 80% you can find maybe a better seat after take-off or halftime. If at half, you see a better row of snow....
  14. a lot of ridiculous things said in this forum. Same guy thinks the moon landing was fake.
  15. I just so frustrated at our entire middle defense from game 1 vs now. LB DB what a mess. kudos to McD and team. Let’s hope more D smoke and mirrors works
  16. That’s a crazy take. Hope Von is better today and he is back—it would be very helpful on a depleted D. But no way he’s been holding back. That’s tin foil hat level conspiracy. Glad to hear he’s “good” now
  17. Hilarious takes on the concept of "SNOW". Funny when people don't even know the words "good packing", "snow blower", "why people don't bring shovels" into a game, that "heated seats or field" would fix a 3 foot snow pile. "why don't they just plow?". Sunday low wind! 10 mph is key. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stops JA17 from the swift completion of his appointed TD's and 50 yd runs
  18. Blue blue awful. It feels like NFL is slowing down on the fad for all the weird sh#t. Puke mustered or Dear god the bengals and Browns white stuff. fad is ending
  19. Straight as a bird flies with west Seneca cop car
  20. "This is how Patty Mahomes walks every day"
  21. WR2 on boundary who’s present for 40% of the turnovers but can block a DB. Why is this valuable? My mechanic can’t fix my engine but he’s excellent at putting air in my tires.
  22. There is presumably a good reason AJ was working on his RV last week. Maybe with fresh legs, he's a spark and useful but--- Stop at ***** Sporting goods, etc., and stock up on feet and hand warmers. TRUST ME!!
  23. There's a good website for you. https://www.chiefsplanet.com/
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