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Everything posted by blackngolddigger

  1. Perhaps, but I have my doubts. The run game was working well enough the first 6 or so games this season but now it's virtually non existent. The offense is just so lost at the moment. Not really the point I was trying to make, but sure. Was simply pointing out that the Steeler offense is so bad, it would have probably still been a loss. I guess I don't really look at records like a normal person. Records are what they are. Not a lot separates the top teams and there aren't enough games overall or between common opponents to always be a great indicator. Every week is a new adventure. Matchups, injuries, adjustments, good/bad bounces, players having an off day or being in the zone.
  2. Missing Spillane, Haden, and Williams probably did impact the results. The Bills only win by one score. But the offense is a predictable mess and this loss was more on the offense. Hopefully there'll be a rematch because that would probably mean both teams won at least one playoff game. But the current state of the Steeler O means one and done unless their first playoff opponent implodes.
  3. People are funny. Not sure what they expected. The Steelers had a banged up championship caliber defense with a one dimensional offense. The Bills should have won this game. I thought the Steeler D played well but just got worn down in addition to the Bills making good second half adjustments. Kinda like the majority of the first half game thread here.
  4. I feel bad for them. Personally, I could easily see the Steelers dropping to the 5th or maybe even 6th seed. Neither my mind nor my body are in any shape to do gymnastics of any sort.
  5. LOL, hardly. I don't live and die by the results like I did in my younger years. I just don't discredit a team's victories against teams that they should beat because, you know, any given Sunday.
  6. Yep, the opponents strengths/weaknesses play a huge factor in every team's wins/losses. But okay, you win. This victory by the Bills was nothing to be proud of. They beat an overrated and inferior team.
  7. 😆 I don't really get into the whole smack talk type crap. Teams can only play the schedule they're given. You can nit-pick any teams victories for any number of reasons, weak QB, bad defense, whatever. Hell, plenty of people won't give the Bills much credit for this win. 19 offensive points against an injury ravaged defense. washed up quarterback who can't accurately throw it more than 5 yards past the line of scrimmage no running game receivers/TE who can't catch the ball O-line that's old and overpaid etc., etc. Not excuses I make because a win is a win to me. The Bills survived the Steelers defensive attack in the first half and their defense took advantage of a predictable short passing game to make a momentum stealing play at the end of the first half.
  8. LOL, I'm just a fan, so I never worry. Ya got me there. Glad they don't have to face the superstar QB that the Bills will be up against.
  9. You don't count last night's game???? That would be Dec 2, 7, and 13.
  10. They had an impromptu bye due to the Tennessee outbreak, so it wasn't a full bye. It was more of an issue because of how it came about, but yeah, it's a fairly common occurrence due to TNF. IMO, with athletes being so accustomed to a routine each week, the stop/start/reschedule crap didn't help during this stretch. But their one dimensional O is more of a problem than the scheduling irregularities.
  11. There's no reason why Josh Allen's Bills can't finish what Jim Kelly's Bills couldn't so long ago. Of course, I won't be rooting for that until my team's gone. I wouldn't mind a rematch in the AFCG.
  12. Congrats on your teams victory. Well deserved/earned. ' Certain players more than others. But I guess we might all be happy if we could suck at our jobs and still cash a fat paycheck.
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