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Everything posted by Cray51

  1. That's fair, put the trust in people who can identify potential candidates that fit what we are looking for. To be fair, Flores had never shown the top end result McD has. And to add, McDaniel wasn't unheard of, just very unproven. We talk a lot about Ben Johnson, but his offense has shown to have some stinkers against top end competition. And to be fair to McD, for MOST of his tenure, he has beaten up on teams who are bad/average, and only has lost to the best of the best. Heck, even McDaniel's Miami team has been criticized with not being good against great teams. They remind me a lot of the 2019 Bills, who were good but found themselves losing to the best teams in the league. I trust Beane to evaluate talent. I dont necessarily trust Pegula, but I can understand people wanting a change. This article doesn't do anything to sway me to a new coach, I'm in the mindset that if Sean doesn't make the playoffs, we will likely move on and bring in a new coach. But that's to performance and ONLY performance. These anecdotal stories from several years doesn't really give me any pause in who Sean is. He is what most HCs are, methodical to a fault, and self-confident to a fault. If the Bills fire Sean, and bring in an OC, I'll be just as excited as if we keep Sean and roll into next year. I don't think that's the case for most on the board, who will be more excited with a new HC than Sean.
  2. I agree with taking advantage if there is the opportunity to improve the coaching position. I just struggle to identify all of the true options that are confirmed upgrades compared to Sean I agree that Beane is likely a good evaluator of coaching talent, and could find a good replacement. However, it just isn't 100% a guarantee. However, I am a risk-averse individual so that bias comes out in these instances
  3. I agree there is valid criticism for Sean in certain components of his coaching. I think he has not handled quick twitch decision making well, which may be the thing we need to be able to grow as a team. I just struggle to see where we find any potential replacement that doesn't carry large risk associated. Unless you get someone like Bill B, who I think would bring some serious talent on the D side, but carries heavy baggage as well.
  4. I think it’s a valid point that if there are droves of former coaches coming forward, Sean is against the norm. but former coaches have had situations with Bill Bellicheck, with McDaniels, we’ve seen players get into it with Carroll most coaches don’t get 6 years on one team to build that level of tenure and possibility of frustration
  5. And I think this is the fairest assessment. Sean isn’t a dummy, he has laid the strongest foundation the Bills have had in 30 years. He just might not be the right guy to take us to the absolute peak but no one here really cares about his comments from 2019, or his firing of Chad Hall. They care that the team is 6-6 im not a Sean apologist, if we brought in another coach who I think is qualified and a good fit, I’m excited. But I’m not going to sit here and say Sean is a dumb guy who deserves no respect for what he has achieved
  6. Bills were 9-7 without Allen in Sean’s first year…. You call in miracle birth, I call it maximizing what he could from a terrible roster You’re right, let’s bring Bill B in here, win super bowls, and then we can just ignore that he is a bigger control freak than Sean or bring in Harbaugh, who just was suspended for cheating or bring in a guy from the Shanahan tree, who is known as one of the biggest asses in the league they are all saints.
  7. Ive mentioned this before, but I have a family member who works for the Eagles organization. Nick Sirianni is a grade A douche. Poor behavior towards assistants, throws coaches under the bus to the team, throws players under the bus, contradicts himself. But that doesn’t matter because his team is winning. The public doesn’t care that Nick is an ass to his coaches room, or is an ego driven narcissist, because his team is doing well. Most head coaches in the NFL are #######s. But success breeds ignorance to that. These stories from 2019,2020… they don’t come up until we are 6-6. No one cares about the Chad hall stuff if we are 9-3. thats why I chuckle at “we need to get rid of Sean now and replace him”. Replace with who? Bill B? The biggest control freak in NFL history? An unproven OC? We really want that risk during Allen’s prime years? A retread head coach? I don’t care if Sean is a control freak, that tells me he is a normal head coach lol. He was dumb for the 2019 comments, and im sure some players didn’t like him. But the guy has finally brought some winning to Buffalo, and now we want to tear him down. It’s funny to me I think you’re right if the insiders in the org new about it.
  8. If Bill B wanted to come to Buffalo, I wouldn’t hesitate at all with that move. Even with the questionable history of Bill laying a very specific foundation and culture for his team. There have been several players who have not liked Bill as a coach
  9. We can add in grade a douche Doug Marrone if you want
  10. I’m wondering if people would rather have players coach Rex Ryan taking us to 7-9 each year or control freak Sean Mcd with his 5 playoffs in 6 years. I know who I’d want
  11. Came to him after the loss to do what, release the article? Dunne can’t have 25 interviews over the course of a week during the season to put together a 3 part article
  12. Yes, someone mentioned that. I will make my own decision, even with the overall verbiage used by Dunne to be steered one way IMO
  13. All good, appreciate the update. From what I read, Ty writes to impose a perspective, and from my initial understanding he didn’t mention any apology particulars. So obviously that was a red flag. Good to know he mentioned it as a post paragraph in the article
  14. Woah, I was wrong. That part is not in the free version, so I don’t have visibility to that context
  15. We don’t know the entire context of the situation. Ty makes a very short statement of what happened, without any acknowledgment of apology and follow up conversation. let the reader make the determination of character. Don’t point the reader to a conclusion, provide all evidence for them to craft their own
  16. No, I totally make my determinations of a person off of a two hour span and not their entire life and career too
  17. This is what I hate about selective journalism. mcdermott mentioned he apologized to the team within an hour of the original comments about 9/11, and tried to paint a picture that simply didn’t come out or stick the way he wanted it to. Did the anonymous source mention this? Not per Ty’s article…. That wouldn’t fit the narrative. if the article says “Mcdermott, while discussing teamwork and importance of communication, made an ill formed mention of 9/11 as a reference towards the importance of communication. McDermott later apologized to the team, when he found some comments were not absorbed in the way intended. It happened within a 2 hour span.” that’s something clear, without bias, and should be how journalism is handled.
  18. Dude has 17 likes on his post lol it was stupid, but we are talking about something 4 years ago…. I certainly don’t care
  19. Do we have statistics to show elite QBs score TDs at a higher rate than average or is this a qualitative statement?
  20. I will say, if my defense holds a team to trying a 59 yards field goal in bad conditions to tie it up at the end of regulation - I'm not too upset at them. Elliot will potentially be a hall of fame level kicker. Sometimes those guys just make plays.
  21. Some people forget the Seahawks a few years ago, when the DE tried climbing into the stands to fight fans. That was something
  22. Didn’t Reid lose to the eagles last week? The Steelers have one quality win on the season - the Ravens. They have played weak teams, or good teams with bad situations (no Burrow for example). Their absolute max is a division appearance this season. And I do believe Tomlin is a top 5 coach in this league. But they are lucky right now to be 7-4
  23. Inherited a non playoff team, takes them to playoff success in his first season Dumps Tyrod for a 3rd, able to use plethora picks to move up and select all pro franchise QB. Not a good QB, the best in his class. With maybe 2-3 QBs as good or better than him in the league. Above Average drafts in 2018, 2019, Average in 2020 (considered above average if Diggs deal is included), 2021, 2022, very strong returns for 2023 so far So an above average draft talent evaluator. In fact, when compared to other teams who are often lauded for their selections (KC, Baltimore), he grades as BETTER than they do (I have a long form post on this somewhere, I can dig it up if needed) Identifying talent: Beane has always been a plus talent identifier. Even though he has been able to successfully stock the 53 man roster with draft picks, his FA plays are solid. Brown, Beasley, Williams, McGovern, Morse. It’s his worst space, but he has rarely completely whiffed. So he is average in this area, and of course it would be awesome to have improvemeant Retaining Talent: Beanes best area, by far. He has shown an ability to retain great talent consistently with team and player friendly deals. Knox, Milano, White, Allen, Diggs, Morse, Poyer, Taron Johnson. Every time he locks a player down, he makes sure to create the opportunity for flexibility, and has leveraged it for restructures consistently. Most every deal he has signed for key talent has shown to be a good/great value deal in hindsight. He is incredibly strong here. Coaching/Front office: Beane is probably second to San Fran in front office development. The Bills have lost Daboll and Shoen, have had interviews requested for several others (Frazier, Brady, Dorsey, etc). His ability to put intelligent people in the room is strong. It’s not best in the league, but it’s up there. so overall, we have a plus drafter, plus front office manager, plus plus talent retainer, and an average free agent user. In the highly competitive NFL, that’s top end. i am on my phone, so I can’t drive too much more detail, but I’ll end with this: The Bills have the second highest win percentage in the league over the last 3 years, and have done so with a core nucleus that will continue to stay in tact. Is it perfect? No. But it’s very good, and something we should be thankful for.
  24. Sometimes I join this board after a tough loss as a confirmation that while I may be sad, at least I’m not as stupid as some others…. Beane is a top 5 GM in this league. Happy to go into all of the details as to why
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