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Everything posted by RJK

  1. I just want to say. I can’t stand Romo and I’ll die on that hill
  2. Defense can’t stop them. Hopefully Allen keeps up
  3. This is gonna be a 12 round slugfest
  4. That call changes the whole game, win or lose.
  5. Defense isn’t being aggressive enough
  6. Damn you guys are like 5 mins ahead of my stream 😒
  7. Mmmmm. Defense needs to get a stop. Very pivotal drive upcoming
  8. The Obada hold on the long scramble was egregious
  9. Just terrible awareness from the front four on that drive
  10. Neither of them can protect the QB so I’m feeling pretty confident right now
  11. Hopefully the chiefs pull it out cuz the Steelers stink and Buffalo beats up on this overrated super bowl favorite
  12. Why is epenesea playing so much?
  13. Stand up boys!!!! No table is safe
  14. Literally only defensive game plan to beat the colts is sell out to stop the run and make Carson “doy doy” wentz beat you. Don’t know wtf that was today
  15. This isn’t a playoff team. They thought the league was gonna roll over and crown them and they getting that booty spanked
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