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Everything posted by MrJaimie

  1. Careful, you might be accused of being "liberal".
  2. Race isn't political unless you make it so, or unless you're a Klu Klux Klan member or a Black Panther. That's your perception. You thought, "He mentioned race, this is part of a liberal agenda.". My statement is valid whether your Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, tall, short, gay, homophobic, chocolate, vanilla, or tapioca. But thanks for teaching me about reading comprehension. Here's another little word for: assumption.
  3. It hasn't nothing to do with being liberal, but thanks for making it a political issue. It's about responsible journalism. I'm a writer, so I kinda care about stuff like that. Maybe you like being jerked around by the media, but then again, "coulda woulda yadda yadda" is indicitive that you'd rather be enterained than informed. Ever hear of Evalyn Hernandez? No? Try looking up some info on her. Good luck.
  4. I hate to be cynical, but if the woman was black or hispanic, you probably wouldn't have seen anything more than a blurb, if that.
  5. Congrats, you've earned an ignore. As a side note, you fail to mention the week before during the Dolphins game where both the Defense and Running game played sub-par, and it was Drew who bailed out the team. Good teams don't play lights out across the board. Good teams find a way to win. Different people will step up in different weeks. Do you think Kelly had A+ games all the time during those Super Bowl years? Hell no. In fact, he had some really attrocious games.
  6. Oh be quiet, for crying out loud. What the hell is wrong with you guys? Do you think every single play is going to work?
  7. Actually, it's more informative when we don't respond to the topic onhand, especially when you're just going to use it as a sounding board of your anti-Bledsoe rant.
  8. Amazing, you're still talking about Bledsoe.
  9. No, we're not morons. And I happen to be very liberal. If she's obviously very disturbed, then why couldn't she be so disturbed as to run over three kids? Oh, I get it. Being insane has certain thresholds I wasn't aware of. It takes more than a golf ball. Thanks for elucidating. You're assuming the article is blatantly fabricating the witness and police reports. You must be related to Nostradamus. And the part of you running someone over yourself doesn't help your argument, it makes you look like some young idiot running his mouth off (I don't know your age).
  10. I thought you said you weren't going to talk about Bledsoe anymore?
  11. I was waiting to see who'd be the first a-hole that would defend this piece of crap. And yes, you are defending her. Just because you say you aren't doesn't erase the "I bet they threw the ball at her car..." crap. Gotta wonder if it's because the names of the kids sound a bit on the minority side. Un-fuggin-believable. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  12. Having only a minor in Numerical Analysis, do you really think the Bills have a 56% chance of winning out? I think your percentage is a bit high.
  13. Wow.
  14. You should thank him. Sometimes it takes a while before you know if you should put someone on ignore.
  15. If you're going to be half the man you claim to be, you better be able to take it if you plan on dishing it out. Or are you, Mr. Obnoxious Fan, above critique? You continually bash a guy who is actually a great person in real life, and you want us to respect you for that? Some people might find your antics commendable. Most people don't like them either. If Bledsoe were standing right in front of you, would you call him half the names you do on this board? Yeah, sure you would, tough guy. I find it humorous that people like you hide behind the anonimity of the Internet and demand to be respected. As much as I dislike Jerry Sullivan, at least we know who he is. He's not hiding behind some moniker on the 'net.
  16. I'm sorry, I thought I had you on ignore. I'll fix that. Thanks for alerting me.
  17. I have a strange feeling that you're serious.
  18. I'm just curious. How many people on this board were upset that Janet showed her booby? And of those people upset, how many of those are upset further that they didn't show Saving Private Ryan on many of the ABC affiliates?
  19. Well, it was more like a full second. Also, it stopped Martin in his tracks, so he lost his momentum. And yes, that was Quincy's fault.
  20. Normally, I'd agree with you. But the replay showed Carter not handing the ball of cleanly. Martin spent too much time just trying to hold on to it.
  21. Bledsoe is not the most sacked QB. Bulger, Fiedler, Vick, and Warner have been sacked more so far this year.
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