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Everything posted by Southern_Bills

  1. No, it's just an online card to be used for playing the game. Nothing of physical value.
  2. Title should read: Breaking News! Young millionaire drives too fast in an exotic car, believes he is above the law! When you say it out loud it isn't that shocking you see. In my younger days I've had 3 speeding/reckless driving tickets in one week. Now I do it on a race track 🤷
  3. All true statements, they are going to run into an issue fielding a team even with him on the roster at his cap hits. They are basically saying he will single handedly win a SB lol.
  4. Didn't play long enough, maybe if he won 2 rings in 6 years and walked away, but he didnt.
  5. Yeah, I think HGH levels return to normal in 20 hours? Not sure if there is any metabolites etc left behind in the bloodstream. I've never dealt with PED testing much.
  6. I agree, didn't say they couldn't test, just I don't believe the NFL tests for GH yet. If they do they just recently started.
  7. True, but they can test for synthetic testosterone vs real testosterone through metabolites in the body. Now HGH is another animal all together, not sure they even test for that yet. In the players defense they never say what it was, and when you look at the banned substance list its wild what all is on there.
  8. I Disagree, when he got outside the pocket he was on the money, he had the arm. But as I'm typing this out I remember he was atrocious in the picket from every aspect, so yeah probably more of a RB with an arm? Lol
  9. I won't argue Davis should do better, the drop to lose the Jets game was brutal as well, but who does the Chiefs have? Kelce, that's about it. I think Toney will shine this year but that's not proven. My point is the Chiefs are doing it with arguably a worse set of playmaker, so while you would like better it is doable if the QB is on during the playoffs.
  10. And a fine if you go in lol. Thankfully yes they both made it out safely. Which is a huge win.
  11. Yeah, mostly in Panama City I believe. But from where I live in alabama down to Panama city is only about a 3 hour drive. So it's all in the same geographical region. It's been crazy.
  12. All of that is correct, but when you get swept up in a rip current like we are having this year none of that matters. Only defense is to not be in it honestly.
  13. I live on the gulf coast, some don't take the flags seriously on the beach. My wife's friend died recently trying to save his wife/daughter when they went out under red flag conditions. It happens without intoxicants. Not saying I know what happened with Mallet.
  14. They have built the Bills up in the media, nows the part when they try to tear them down. Just have to keep the team focused on what's important, football.
  15. Under the right circumstances I would be willing to purchase the Bills outright from the Pegulas. Now we aren't going to talk about this certain set of circumstances, just know it may be true 🤣
  16. And to think, I always thought he was mild mannered with no anger issues. 🤔
  17. Definitely got better at WR and TE this year without much fanfare. Alot of the WR moves were low money moves but will help alot. I felt like the coaches held Shakir back last year, almost like they had him on a play count instead of letting him take his lumps on the field. Not sure why you would do such a thing but that's what it felt like. Very 1980s to act like a rookie can't contribute too much. Hopefully Kincaid doesn't suffer the same fate this year.
  18. Well, when it's mandatory he should be there. I know this should have already been figured out. Regardless of what's going on, you had all off-season. Find out if the guy can move past it and if he can't trade him, sadly it looks like McBeane sat silently in a corner and hoped for the best. It's too late to trade him and get any sort if return for this year.
  19. So what has Burrow accomplished over Allen? Besides having a defense that didn't let him down to get him into the SB? People are amazing at how they let the media form their opinion on players.
  20. They definitely got in a huge funk last year. My Fantasy team showed it lol.
  21. Well I would have lost alot if money if someone would have asked to bet. Seems next off-season the price wouldn't have been much more. Oh well, I'll hope he performs as he will be a big part of the team for a minute now. Still can't fathom how many 1st round picks we have had on defense and all the money tied up in it to play like crap when it matters.
  22. I'll politely disagree. Dhop has never been a locker room issue and he has always put up numbers regardless of his QB. Guy is as close to a HOFer without being one as you can be. He has never won Jack in the NFL, that's his biggest resume downside. I mean his 3 wants is 1) QB 2) DEF 3) Stable front office Oh yeah, definitely sounds like a locker room issue. Not sure the money works out, as Beane would have to deem the future salary cap sacrifices worth the player, but just Dhop as a player I'd like him to be a Bill.
  23. I can see McDermott being in the 8-15 range. You could argue different orders based on your preference of a coaches traits. 8-15 feels right though. Without the 13 seconds he's a lock for the top 5, without the blowout loss to the Bengals in the playoffs he's a lock for top 3. So it's really splitting hairs, he didn't win those games so he's ranked lower, but he isn't far off. Hopefully Frazier leaving brings some toughness to the defense.
  24. He's a good dude. Probably could have been drafted earlier if he came out a year earlier but stayed because he wanted to be the senior RB for Alabama and a team captain. Natural leader who plays the right way and does the right things off the field because it's the right thing. Obviously all of that is irrelevant if he can't play ball, but when you can play ball and do those things it can have a net positive effect on the locker room. Glad he's a Bill.
  25. Cheating and losing at the same time is a bad look.
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