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Italian Bills

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Everything posted by Italian Bills

  1. Hello my beloved Bills fellas... i'm from Italy ok, but i'm so sick in love with this holy Franchise, with this colors, since 1989... my first time there was exactly because i wanted to be in OP, inside the Rich Stadium, kissed the ground outside the gates. I cound't believe i was there, it was a dream. This week will be way loooong ... and day after day the fever will heat up very quickly. I can't wait anymore... and it's only tusday. I've been hard with the team, with the coaches, with the players many times this season... after our losses... i've been mad at them like many of you... weeks after every loss passed in pain. But now i made a promise: whatever will happen sunday, i won't stop to support them, i won't be cursing, i'll wear my colors with proud, i will have their back. The love i feel for this Team is too high... and i'm asking you to do the same, during the game don't write anything negative on the Team and the Coaches-Players, even though they will make mistakes. They are "our" guys... THIS IS OUR TEAM TO ROOT FOR ! NO MATTER WHAT !!!
  2. Great point the veteran one: maybe someone like Kyle Williams, someone that can get right in the face to other guys when they do stupid things like the one Brown did.
  3. I’m really wondering what could Allen and our offense do with a great OL: i’m sure we would be a 14-3 or 13-4 team at worst,
  4. Your number 2 i totally agree, you can set more play action plays that can easy our offense.
  5. We won and this is obviously the most important thing, but what you liked and what you don’t by the Bills game ? To me: - DL played a good game - we didn’t cover well the throws in the middle - Josh’s int and sack could be avoidable Your three points ?
  6. How many times Josh get a sack for not throwing the ball away when needed ?!!!!!!
  7. I could agree with you right now, but we should see hime behind a great OL: i’m sure he would be a nightmare for every team we play against, he would be a dagger !
  8. 4-0, mark it down. We can’t keep on playing that bad with so many mistakes, it’s impossible. This team is too good to fail that bad, it’s not possible ! No doubt everybody is feeling mad about their performance and the standing, they know that this have to come to an end, they well know that playing at the level they are capable, they will finish very strong, with all statement wins. Not all italians people belong to mafia stuff… i’ve been there in the us almost 20 times since 1995, my first one right to come to Buffalo to go to the Rich Stadium for Bills - Seahawks that we won going 5-1. I love this team, i’ll always do and i’m sure something good is close to happen the next few weeks.
  9. Com’on guys, till now we played like what, 50 to 60% about our real potential ? And about 20 to,30% about our mental approach ? I’m very confident that all of them, McD, Frazier, Daboll and the players know that and they are more than sick about their overall performance, most of all because they very well know the talent of the team. So NOW, exactly now, they know that every of the next games, will be a in or out, will be a statement if they are “same old Bills” or the new Bills was born last year with the QB at the helm we waited for more than 20 years.
  10. Hello fellas.. i do not have any fear we won’t win all of the last four games and not because we face three weak Teams at home and just one, the hardest one against the Pats on the road, but because right now, exactly right now, i just feel this way, we’ll play an umbelievable football that we never played this season. I’m sure that from head to feet, to the coaches to the last player of our so beloved team, they will give something they almost never gave till now: strenght, commitment, desire, sense of urgency, devotion (to us fans also) and all the emotional part that along with their real talent, make them a great great football team ! Believe me or not, we’ll go 4-0 !!! GOOOO BUFFALO BILLSSSSS !!!
  11. Didn’t watch the game, but reading what you guys claim, it seem obvious that the refs stole the game again… handling it to Brady and Co. I can’t say i agree with you or not, cause like i said i didn’t watch the game, but something is obvious too: if you fell down 24 to 3, you can’t blame the refs. I mean… you fell in that situation because you are having a crap of a game, overall, so before talking about the refs, think about what you did wrong. I’m not referring to you, but to the coaches and players. If you are a SB contender, you don’t fall behind 24 to 3, if not in some rare cases; of course you can anyway lose the game but not falling behind 24 to 3. That said, i ask you: do you think Teams like GB, KC, TENN (with Henry), BALTIMORE, NE, AZ or DALLAS would have been in a 24 to 3 situation against Tampa ? Personally i don’t think so. The season (maybe) is not over, who knows… i still believe we can make a run.. and for the future i’m ok because one thing: we have Josh Allen, a heck of a QB and a fighter and when you have a Franchise QB, you have a shot at the SB every single year. Of course in our current situation, the Pegula, Bean and McD must understand that, before everything, they MUST give Allen the protection he needs to torch every f…… defense. So guys let’s see what happen one game a time.. i still have hope, don’t ask me why, but i still have hope… maybe because JOSH ALLEN !
  12. He lost the swagger and confidence … he looks always scared on what is coming to him after the snap. But i’m wondering also why we don’t use slant routes more and more to let Allen let the football fly before he can be under pressure. Daboll and McD are lost !
  13. You did not at all. Like i said, all the points are valid, mine is the mental aspect first. And maybe everything start with the HC: honestly, with BB and not MCD, what would be our record ? The same ? Worst or better ? I think we have a very good talent team with a couple of weak points, OL and backs, but what team doesn’t have weak points ? It’s up to the coaches to find a way to minimize them .. and one way is the attitude on the field. Sometimes, you can get more from a player than what he really has in talent, just because the level of effort the HC can obtain from him, made him reach better performances.
  14. My friend… this is just my opinion, never said it’s the holy truth or the only problem this team have. I just don’t see that “fire” in our guys during the games, not only on last MNF. I did agree with many points people wrote down here, but i still have the feeling that with more toughnesses we could avoid at least a couple of loss, Jags for sure and maybe Indy, with those two wins we would be 9-3. But again, just my opinion.
  15. Yeah right …. maybe all the SB talk and campaign made them too cocky losing the gritty trait ..
  16. Unfortunately, my friend, softness is a part of this Bills team squad. Not the only problem, but alongside stupid mistakes and poor red zone scoring, is the main one. Besides those, everything you wrote is correct and in agreement with the quick pass scheme for Allen too. Hit Bees and Knox and wrs on slant and play action and see if we score just 10 points a game.
  17. Many times in the past I declared that we have to play more slant routes and jet sweep routes, using Bees and Knox for short passes. That because our bad OL that can’t give Allen the time to scan downfield for long gain passes.
  18. “IMO what's soft and squishy is this analysis.” Thank you for this nice comment. I never pretended to have the holy truth, i just shared my personal opinion respecting, many times agreeing and not judging others. Anyway i already said that stupid mistakes have been another great reason we lost many games, maybe it all start with lack of focus. I hope i’m wrong and you right bro.
  19. And I respect your opinion at all… agreeing with you about our embarrassing mistakes during many games we played, also in the ones we won.
  20. Agree that the core of a team, DL and OL, can influence the success of a team, and correct too that if you have a mvp caliber qb you have to protect him at first and if if you get destroyed by heavy running teams, you have to focus on strengthen that weak part of the team. But in order to do that, you have to look for and add “killer type” players, before looking for talent, because on the lines you must have killer type players.
  21. Your point is good, so you are saying that the difference between last year and this one is bad luck on few plays during the games we lost ? It could be… but if you play HARD all the entire game, with the talent we have, you won’t be almost never in a luck-bad luck situation.
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