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Everything posted by IowaBill

  1. I believe the Southern Christian Leadership Conference may have been formed MLK, at the very least, he was key figure in its early days back in the '60s. As a result, it was very appropriate to have the current leader of the organization speak at Coretta Scott Kings funeral. I agree, the guy had no presence whatsoever on the air. Your condemnation of the organization as some sort of "johnny-come-lately" group is off the mark. I couldn't agree more with your assesment of the distasteful practice of politicians using funerals to advance whatever agenda they have. Wellstones funeral is a great example. I don't think Reupublicans are immune from the practice, however.
  2. A bit sophomoric.......high school type retaliation..........sounds like they should be spending time on the PPP Board!
  3. I am not sure picking a QB in the earlier picks of the first round is the "right" way either. If you would agree that a QB of dan marino's caliber would be a reasonable succesor to jim Kelly, then your agrument fails somewaht as both Tony Easona nd Todd Blackledge were picked prior to Dan Marino in the year of the "great QB draft" Furtherin the Bills previous search for a starting QB, they picked Joe Ferguson in either the second or third round, one could argue a QB of his caliber would be a worthwhile succesor to Jim Kelly. I don't know if the Bills have been taking a Band Aid approach to finding Kelly's successor, but I am pretty sure a search using a high first round pick as the primary method may not have yielded any better results than what we have seen thus far.
  4. Of course I remember, I'm not stupid!
  5. Whatever. You're right, people are stupid, present company included.
  6. For some pathological reason, arrogance, and numerous repititions of his classic, "lemmings", "all elected leaders are the same", all poltical parties and their adherents are stupid", and now his latest "people are stupid" (why target a specific group when you can indict the whole human race) just fascinate me. What fascinates me more is the number of right wingers on this board that think he is some sort of torch bearer, even though, to his credit, he repeatedly tells them he not a republican and agrees very little with that parties idealogy.
  7. AD, this explains alot. I know you don't think that you are stupid. Going along with the statement you just made, one would have to infer that you aren't a "People", or human. Thanks for clearing that up. Many of your ealrier posts now make sense.
  8. That's a painful thought. I am sure many of us remember JK's foray into broadcasting some years ago. He made Phil Simms sound positively erudite.
  9. The last I complained about having alot on my mind to my wife, she said it was no big deal as it is a small space to fill. See, I do have a sense of humor. Lemmings!
  10. I've got to tell ya, it wasn't easy. I have found, however, a person can do almost anything if they try.
  11. I think your point is a good one. It is almost always a warning sign when "Company A" spends time and effort telling you what is wrong with the competition rather than why "Company A's" is the best.
  12. Mickey, you should know that AD always has an alternative to peoples posts. His alternaties, however, consist largely of the statement "lets keep on believing pour current system is working, you stupid lemmings". In this manner AD is ty[ical of many of tne posters here on PPP. I is easy and to repeatedly state their "mantra" over and over. In his case, he repeats the same thing so frequnly he has begun to believe it actually means something. Go figure. I agree our government can stand some improvement, but I think it is among the better systems in place. our point about smaller governments hit home. I live in the US Virgin Islands. While we are ostensibly a part of the United States under the revised Organic Act of 1954, we are largely self governed unincorporated territory. ABout 115,000 people live here. The government here is incredibly corrupt, on scale that would boggle your mind, given that it serves only 115,000 people.
  13. I recieved a degree from UB in psych in 1982. It actually did lead to several interesting jobs directly, although it does prepare you in any way to be a "psychologist". There is nothing wrong with pursuing the liberal arts and sciences, that pursuit has served me well for the past 23 years. Best of luck to your daughter, she could do much worse than UB and their psych department.
  14. Wasn't it Dandy Don Meredith that said" howard, you have a temendous grasp of the obvious". Couldn't agree with you more.
  15. I am a diabetic. Like many people with the condition, I try to control through diet and exercise. I could probably try harder. Still, I excercise 45 minutes a day, minimal, with cardio - muscle tone routine develpoed by a personal trainer. My diet is OK, my BMI is within normal limits. I still have to take insulin. Your body needs glucose to function. Diabetics can't break it down properly. I agtree that there is a percentage of adulkt onset diabetics hat probably would have NOT developed the disease had they watched their diets and exercised more, but I don't think all diabetes can be controlled that way. Its easy to paint diabetics as victims of their own bad habits (didn't say you were doing that, JSP), but it really isn' that simple. I developed diabetes as a result of bad case of pancreatitus some years ago from systemic infection I got. To get a sliver lining pout of the deal, I am probably in the best shape I have been in since high shcool. Gotta take the bad with the good, I guess. I am just happy to be alive and be able to watch the Bills slowly self destruct.
  16. Most insurers will, however, pay for a diabetic to see an endocrinologist. Most endocrinolgists will do many of the same tests and treatments that prevent amuptation of any extremeities as a result of diabetes. I think thereason that many insurers don't pay for diabetics to see podiatrists is because diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system, not a disease of your feet (that was worded poorly!). there is no questions that the disease may manifest itslef in its later stages with problems with your feet due to poor circulation, howevere. much of that can be prevented by proper treatment early in the diseases course, treatment you receive from an endocrinologist. I don't think there is any conspiracy here , in fact I think the insurers are following good medical protocol in this case.
  17. It is hard to alot about our legal system without getting sick. PS Mack Brown National Champs !!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. The NFL doesn't resort to a field goal contest....... many good points in your post,but one could argue that NFL overtimes haven't become "de-facto" field goal contests, except you juts have to make one to win. Its really just a coin flipping contest for the most part. Better idea would be a college style OT.
  19. I am sure you realized that you linked a wikipedia article regarding how it deals with reported inaccuracies. The idea that "thousands of idiots like us" check it for accuracy only makes it much likely it will be inaccurate. I have gone to a number of Wikipedia entries and seen inaccuracies. They aren't worth going into because the topics they addressed were pretty trivial and the inaccuracies weren't all that importnat as a result, but they are ther. As a quick example, go the Wikipedia entry for Van Miller. In the entry it references a game Van called against the Dolphins when Jim Kelly ran in for a touchdown on the last play of the game (Iam sure we all remember the game). The entry goes on say, however, that the game broke the twenty game regular season losing streak against the 'Phins. That is just plain wrong as that streak was broken when Joe Ferguson was the QB and Dan Marino was a rookie. My point is, if the above entry is indicative of Wikipedia's accuracy, it shouldn't be cited as a valid source for anything if you want to make a strong point. Again, the fact that "thousands of idiots like us" are responsible for noting and correcting mistakes only makes it that much more likely it will be wrong.
  20. I would hesitate to use an open source online "encyclopedia" such as Wikipedia as a resource. Little,if any of the information that makes its way into Wikipedia is vetted for accuracy.
  21. I second that !!! his diatribes are tiresome, but at least he has the good manners to admit it, as opposed to numerous others that think they are witty, bright, and clever, when in fact, they are dull, repetitous, and ill -informed.
  22. This goes back even further than Jim Kelly. Recall the line up of wanna - bes and washouts we had when Joe Ferguson left (Vince Ferragamo, Bruce Mathison, Joe Dufek) Following the demise of Jack Kemp, Dennis Shaw was brought in as rookie starter out of San Diego State, had one good year, and then was lousy, Joe Ferguson started as a rookie and proved to be a real NFL quality QB, even though there was no grooming or attempts to "train him" on the sidelines. Don't think for minute that Kelly would not have started as a rookie had he not gone to the USFL. Who knows how that would have worked, as the Bills back in the mid eighties were more pathetic than they are now, with far worse coaching (Hank Bullough, anyone?) his is a pattern with the Bills (the quick QB fix) and it most likely starts at the top.
  23. AS per your request, it is duly noted that on December 27, 2005, you made a post that was consistent in tone and message with every other post you have made over the past 4 and a half years. "Government bad, snide remark, no aletrnative approach suggested". Merry Christmas, big guy. Could this be Mack Browns big chance to win a national championship?????
  24. Is being the best player on the best team in the ECHL anything like being better than Bruce Mathison at football?????
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