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Everything posted by Damian

  1. Yakety Sax from Benny Hill fame
  2. He also states he is using 2012 numbers and that using 2011 numbers, Barkley & Tyler Wilson would have much better scores.
  3. It looks like the Vikings are trying to trade Percy Harvin. He would be an immediate upgrade to WR. http://min.scout.com/2/1265767.html
  4. Now I have the "Talkin' Proud" song stuck in my head!
  5. It seems Buffalo has a long history of getting robbed of championships. The "Staley Swindle" is the one you are referring to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1921_NFL_Championship_controversy
  6. Here's some trivia to use at your local watering hole to astound your friends with your football knowledge. I was reading some NFL history (what else can a Bills fan do during Superbowl week) and found that WNY had a couple of other NFL teams back in the day. Tonawanda had the Tonawanda Kardex which holds the record for the shortest-lived NFL franchise. They played, check this, ONE game as a NFL team. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonawanda_Kardex Rochester had the Rochester Jeffersons. The Jeffs were a founding member of the NFL and played/existed from 1920-25, during which they won a whopping TWO games (one win was the only NFL game the Kardex played). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochester_Jeffersons Buffalo had their own NFL team also during that time period, but they couldn't seem to decide on the name. From 1915-29, the team changed owners and names repeatedly. The names: All-Stars (1915-17), Niagaras (1918), Prospects (1919), All-Americans (1920-23), Bisons (1924-25, 1927, 1929), Rangers (1926). They were out of money in 1928 and did not play that year. I hope you enjoyed the trivia, now I'm off to scour the web for a replica Kardex jersey.
  7. Hand timed track events are notoriously inaccurate, due to the reflexes of the guy with the stopwatch. Track times that are hand-timed are considered only to be accurate to the 1/10th of a second and you round up all of the 1/100ths (10.11 hand-timed =10.2).
  8. People hate OJ for getting away with murder, yet Ray Lewis gets a pass?? That said, I would like to see Peyton win another one.
  9. Do "incognito" mode on Google Chrome and you can view all you want.
  10. Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC gets blacked out on non-sold out Panther home games and we are way past 75 miles from Charlotte. Most of the native NC'ers in this area I know are still Redskins fans (Charlotte is about as loved as NYC is to WNY'ers).
  11. iirc, didn't like half of the Braves go to the Celtics when they swapped owners?
  12. First, a little background. I'm a native WNY'er that moved to NC back in '96, met a lovely Tarheel lass and was soon married. We were both passionate about our sports teams, for me it was the Bills, for her UNC men's basketball. We each adopted the other's team and became hard-core fans. Then came 2005 and the Tarheels won the NCAA basketball championship and it dawned upon me that this was the first in my life that a team I followed actually won a championship! It was if a weight had been lifted off of me! I was elated, walking around with a big grin for days afterwards, buying every Championship memorabilia I came across to cement the moment in my mind forever. Fast-forward to 2009 and the Tarheels win the Championship again. While I was very happy, it did not quite have that magical feeling as that first Championship. I was wondering if any other fellow Bills fans have had this experience (I was only a toddler when the Bills won the AFL titles) while rooting for another team or are you still waiting for the Bills/Sabres to lift that weight from your shoulders?
  13. And how about some yellow ribbons for prostate cancer awareness? You know, the cancer that 1/6 men will get in their lifetime...
  14. I don't know if this is good or bad. Everyone of those writers picked the Giants to win last night.
  15. DTV gave me a discount on the ST plus the Max package at no additional cost when I did my annual "complaint" call. I questioned the rep on the phone and he said I could watch it on my TV and any device at the same time (laptop, tablet, phone, etc) as long as I registered it to my account. I do not know if blackout rules apply to the web version (I'm in NC, so I am not affected anyways).
  16. The Buffalo News is going that way too? Argh! Where is the Courier Express when you need it??
  17. Since I am a native WNY'er now living in NC, I use this site extensively to get my Bills news/fix. The Rochester D&C is now blocking online access to their Bills articles unless you are a subscriber. IMO, the people responsible for this decision don't seem to understand how the internet works. Advertisers pay to put ads on your website. If you only allow access to your subscribers, you are greatly reducing the web traffic on your site, hence making your advertisers less likely to pay to put ads on your site. Unless they believe this is going to cause a whole lot of people to suddenly decide to subscribe to their paper so they can access their website (if you get the paper delivered to your house, you really don't need the website), it seems to me they are going to lose more advertising money than they would gain in subscribers.
  18. I miss Madden's enthusiasm! Give me a knowledgeable announcer that is passionate about the game.
  19. Watched the game at the Lanes in Strykersville. The owner at the time used to show all of the blacked-out games (I think he eventually got busted by the NFL). My friends and I had ordered food at halftime and were thinking of leaving after we ate, and then the Bills started scoring...
  20. Grew up in Strykersville, now living in Hillsborough, NC
  21. Week 1 9/9: Buffalo Bills at New York Win Week 2 9/16 Kansas City Chiefs at Buffalo Bills Win Week 3 9/23: Buffalo Bills at Cleveland Browns Win Week 4 9/30: New England Patriots at Buffalo Bills Win Week 5 10/07: Buffalo Bills at San Francisco 49ers Lose Week 6 10/14: Buffalo Bills at Arizona Cardinals Win Week 7 10/21: Tennessee Titans at Buffalo Bills Win Week 8: BYE Week 9: 11/04 Buffalo Bills at Houston Texans Win Week 10: 11/11 Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots Lose Week 11: 11/15 (Thurs) Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills Win Week 12: 11/25 Buffalo Bills at Indianapolis Colts Win Week 13: 12/02 Jacksonville Jaguars at Buffalo Bills Win Week 14: 12/09 St. Louis Rams at Buffalo Bills Win Week 15: 12/16 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills Win Week 16: 12/23 Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins Win Week 17: 12/30 New York Jets at Buffalo Bills Win
  22. How about we just sign Dallas Clark? He's still available as a free agent.
  23. I was searching mock drafts and found this jewel: 2012 Mock Draft Here is the Bills pick for those of you scared of Peter Pan: 10. (JR) RB Trent Richardson, Alabama The best running back in the country hands down and a future Pro Bowler in the NFL. Very powerful and quick. He can run over you and around you. He will make a good combination with RB Fred Jackson, who has been injury prone. Maybe we can start a new trend with 3 RB's on the field at the same time? If anyone else comes across a draft with strange pick/comment, please post it here. BTW, I was looking for Rick Gosselin's (Dallas Morning News)draft and found a couple forum postings saying he is not doing the mock draft anymore since he took a full-time columnist position with the paper.
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