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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. He has looked suspect the whole season. That’s why the hype has been crazy and unwarranted.
  2. Yes, Denver up by 10!!!
  3. Yes, bro, let’s hope so.
  4. Bro, it’s not the positive attention. It’s about it being unwarranted.
  5. Same story as when the dolphins have been outgained two to one the past couple weeks but still won.
  6. That missed pass by lock was huge!
  7. Nice one, Putin! i’m just ready for the dolphins train to be done, because like I said, I think it’s a mirage. They’re definitely getting better but they’re not as good as people are touting them to be. I hear ya, bro!
  8. This is why I’m not too worried about the Dolphins even if they win today. Just seems like a mirage so far.
  9. Yeah, Tua isn’t what some think (at least not yet). It’s his surrounding cast that’s making him look good.
  10. Okay, Broncos, keep it up! 13-10 at half. Wiohoo!!!
  11. It’s definitely more the former! I mean, Cleveland at seven and three? They are not that good!
  12. That 10 points per game jump is eye-opening. That’s an average of almost 4 touchdowns a game. Crazy! Like some have said though, it seems like the defense is starting to play better. If they can just stay average and aggressive, we have a good shot with the offense we have.
  13. Same here, bro. Would love for them to stay together. They’ve methodically turned us into winners. Best tandem we’ve had in a long time.
  14. I mean, you never know what happens behind closed doors but I’d be surprised if he didn’t get extended. They seem like their lock and step as well as friends. And, things are going well with the franchise. My two cents is worth just that though.
  15. Putin, thanks for sharing your thoughts. The Pats game was interesting. On one hand, it seemed like we didn’t accomplish much since the Pats have been struggling this year. On the other hand, it was huge and a big monkey off our back’s. It was definitely a weird game. I hope I’m describing my thoughts right as it’s hard to explain.
  16. IQ, when has he been a “mess” this year? Yes, he’s had average games. Even if he’s had a bad game this year, it’s not like he’s been up and down from week to week. Most weeks he’s been good to great not inconsistent from one week to another. I do agree with you in this though. He has had amazing games this year.
  17. I think what’s really cool is that he’s improved with tougher competition. This has probably been his toughest schedule of his three year career.
  18. Yes, let’s hope it motivates him even further.
  19. This is another good example of veteran leadership at work. Interesting thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Man, Tre Day almost had one though. So close!
  21. Even if that’s the case, doesn’t the ball have to move when it hits the ground for it to be incomplete? I don’t believe the ball moved. Either way, horrible outcome for us. Good back and forth, bro.
  22. For a moment I thought the same thing, njbuff. But every other angle after that seemed good to me. No way, dude!
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