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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. Please list your reasons for the answer you gave. I believe we can. Another year in the system, same great offense, JA having a year more of experience and an easier schedule (at least on paper). Another game doesn’t hurt either. Go Bills!
  2. Yes. it’s really cool to see on its own without there being football and a lot of fans. It’s cool to look at things and take it all in with no distractions and quiet. That said, part of you wishes that there was a game going on and that there was tons of fans there cheering the team to victory. Hopefully that makes sense.
  3. This is what I was thinking. Took the words out of my mouth. If it happens I’ll miss the old stadium, but if it ensures long term stability, I’m all for it. Go Bills!
  4. Either the final Rams or Cardinals drive.
  5. In a vacuum there may have been more bad looking, goofy looking or worse plays. That said, it’s definitely wide right because of the magnitude of the play. He hits that thing and we are Super Bowl champions. He hits it and we would’ve had the monkey off of our back 30 years ago.
  6. Maybe they should be showing clips from them in the 2020 NFC championship game. Oh wait, that’s clips of us but in the 2020 AFC championship game. It was an amazing play though.
  7. Bro, you must’ve been off the rest of the trip!
  8. It’s not your fault, bro! I guess you were “BORN” into it. 🤣
  9. So when Kelly came from the USFL, Bills fans would’ve had Kelly/Flutie debates instead RJ/Flutie debates. Things that make you go hmm.
  10. Surprisingly there was still some exciting times during the drought. The one that sticks out to me though is when we beat NE on a last second FG in 2011.
  11. Great thoughts! To your story, I totally get what you mean. That said, at least they’re good enough again for people to assume that we have fair weather fans.
  12. As you already know, that was a huge debate back then. I would have been one of the adults you would’ve been arguing with. I wanted Rob Johnson to start. Most of the people around me always wanted Flutie so I had to argue for RJ. We can still be friends though, bro. 🤣🤣🤣 Also, props for going toe to toe with adults when you were only 13.
  13. Well, I guess you get a pass then. 🤣
  14. Nice! That’s good!!! People just don’t get it, do they?
  15. Thanks to everyone for sharing! We already knew that we were a dedicated bunch but it was cool to hear your stories. Go Bills! Go Bills Mafia!
  16. Great story! He still owed you a card though (or at least someone does). 🤣 Yes, they were! Congrats on owning something so young. Hopefully you’re not working that many hours anymore though.
  17. Wow! You mind me asking why you had to miss the game? In my opinion, your record begins in 1980. I am in a career where I typically have to work on Sundays so I have to DVR the game and then watch it later that day. What’s the difference between watching it three hours later or watching it eight months later? You still watched it.
  18. Wow! You were in Jim Kelly’s RV? How’d that go?
  19. Nice! 100 games in a row! I wonder what poster on here has the record for most games in a row. It’d be neat to know.
  20. Nice when it comes to your kid. My son and daughter have been pretty much in the same boat as your kid when it comes to the drought and then these past few years. Shout out to you (and all parents) who have passed on their dedication of the bills to their kids and now their kids are bills fans. Can you say legacy?
  21. Great dedication but brutal! Where do you live?
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