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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. No, the most annoying ones will be the people who are STILL not convinced about Allen and the Bills if they win. You know, the goal posts moving type of people.
  2. I love how confident Sanders has been. This is the benefit of having a veteran that has won big games and the biggest game. Hopefully this is rubbing off on the other players and he’s able to give them good perspective.
  3. You guys make a very good point. Diggs will be very motivated. He doesn’t wanna be in that situation like he was in the AFC championship game again. It was such a low moment, yet at the same time, it was such a cool moment to see how passionate Diggs is. I love how McD handled it as well.
  4. This would be AWESOME! This would be more exciting than what I predicted with a bass game-winning FG. Reason being is we’d all be nervous if Mahomes had a couple minutes left and was driving for the GW score. So, a Tre pick would be incredible. Go Bills!
  5. This would be great! We need someone to do what the KC WRs usually do. Turn four yard catches into first downs and chunk plays.
  6. I like your thinking about how Groot could use his reach to get to Mahomes. Hopefully Groot can turn one of Mahomes strengths into a weakness on Sunday night.
  7. I’m going with Bass-o-matic. He’ll go 2 for 2 on FGs because the Bills will mainly score TDs on the KC defense. That said, since it will be a tightly contested, back-and-forth game, one of his FGs will be the GW. Who ya got?
  8. You said this perfectly! My point has been that everyone struggles through quarters, halves, games and even stretches of the season. Heck, the Chiefs are somewhat struggling now at 2-2. That said, let’s just focus on quarters or halves during a game. People will say that if Allen, this player, the offense or the defense (or whoever gets picked on that week) plays like “this” they won’t be able to win an upcoming game against “this” opponent. And, they base it off the Bills having a good game mixed with struggles in the game as well. All the while, the best teams have had quarters and halves where they struggle too. Then, they turned it on and either separate them themselves or won by a small margin. But, unless you’re a fan of said team that’s actually watching the game, everyone else just sees the highlights (and typically not the struggles) and says “oh man, they’re an awesome team. If the bills are going to beat ‘this’ team then they have to play darn near perfect.” While there are exceptions, it’s just not realistic and how it often happens because the best teams have stretches in a game and even in a season where they struggle and don’t play their best. Again, great post. You worded that very well.
  9. Bro, maybe you’re thinking of the white shirt and blue pants when it comes to losing.
  10. Oh no! Why did you post this? This won’t help the “JA isn’t good on deep throws” crowd.
  11. Nice! That would be awesome to see for sure. While I think JA will dominate, I think he’ll only be in the 300s when it comes to passing yards. Here’s my thoughts on why. Typically when you have a game where the passer has a very, very high output of passing yards, it’s because they have to keep it up to try and win. That won’t have to be the case on Sunday because I believe the bills will win pretty comfortably. When you’re winning comfortably, you don’t have to keep it up per se. You can start doing things that shorten the game. Take last weeks game against WFT for example. JA was dominating the game and had about 250 yards in the first half. Then, because the game was out of reach, he ended up with like 330 something yards because he didn’t need to keep it up to win the game. The game was out of reach by a certain point in the second half. Then eventually, MT came in to close out the game. Hopefully I’m making sense. That said, it’d be awesome to see him break the record.
  12. Great thought, bro, about him being a Lofton for us. I was talking to a buddy of mine today that’s a Broncos fan. He told me that he really liked Sanders a lot when he was on his team. I really like Sanders a lot as well. I hope we can keep him for a year or two more.
  13. The point of my post is the negativity. I can’t speak for everyone, but it’s not that people can’t handle critique, it’s the consistent negativity and extremes. Maybe I’m wrong, but from what I see from other posts, I’m not the only one pointing it out. Just something to think about, bro.
  14. I definitely see what you’re saying, but I doubt it, since we’re playing against a rookie, third string, mid-round quarterback who is making his first road start with the Bills Mafia crowd. The problem is, is that you think almost every Bill is a bust.
  15. Bills 34 Texans 12 Texans play tough for a quarter or two but can’t punch it in. They settle for field goals. JA dominates this game. He has over 300 yards again and four total TDs as well as another throw or two where we just marvel at the pass. He plays so well that he further puts his early-season struggles in the rear view window.
  16. Well that does it, a Bills/Bucs Super Bowl it is. 😜🤣
  17. If you’re talking about tossing a ball at someone, yes, he did it to a chiefs player in the AFC championship game. If you’re talking about him tackling someone after intercepting him, I don’t recall that so I wouldn’t be able to help.
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