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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. Even though they’ve struggled this year, their defense was their strength last year. That is, until the last bills game in Buffalo. 😀
  2. Are you admitting that you’re related to him as well? 😜🤣
  3. Man, I hope so. He’s been solid this year, and is a great player, but he really hasn’t had a breakout game yet.
  4. Good one on the Jets franchise QB. Make sure to share that in the Jimmy Spags post. Sorry, it’s just my Cali style vocabulary coming out. 😜
  5. There’s a season for everything under the sun, bro. A season for Bills fans to be shocked that we’re not getting enough respect. And, a season for Bills fans to be shocked that we’re getting too much respect.
  6. I'm not justifying the loss. The loss was bad. VERY bad. I’m just not putting the nail in the coffin yet. My point was, it doesn't mean we're out of it yet or not a contender at this point because of it. Every team has a bad loss every once in awhile. Every AFC team at the top of their division has a bad loss this year. Great points, bro. It's not that I feel great about our loss, it still sucks. It's just I don't think we're out of it or not a contender because of the bad loss. The flaws can improve and we can make adjustments (hopefully). Appreciate the thoughts! And, good back and forth.
  7. Bills 24 Jets 13 Not a blowout but a comfortable win. Issues still present but they start to improve.
  8. I get it. No arguments here. But, at this point, adjustments can be made and McD has responded pretty well when adversity has struck. Heck, the other loss that you mentioned could be put on the o-line as well because of the 4th and inches play. That said, that wasn't a bad loss, it was a heartbreaker to the best team in the AFC right now (that's hard to even say because a month ago I didn't think the Titans would be this good so far).
  9. Yessir! Even if it's just like 20-10 or 20-13 (not a prediction just an example) on Sunday, just win.
  10. I agree that there are flaws, bro. But every AFC contender has flaws (or in the Titans case an injury to a top player). Even with our flaws, we're still one of the most complete teams, if not the most complete team in the AFC.
  11. I waited a little longer to make this post. Sorry for the delay for anyone who was waiting for it (there may only be two of you, if that 🤣). The reason I waited is because I wanted to see If Dawson Knox was going to have a full practice (which he did). If he plays, I believe he will have the biggest impact. I'm not saying it's the only reason (I know the o-line isn't good right now) but we've struggled ever since he was out. While we all loved his breakout season, the injury showed us how valuable he's truly been this year. Also, if the Jets try to play us like other teams have, this may leave some space in the middle of the field for Knox. I've got Knox. Who ya got?
  12. Good teams lose to bad teams. Very good teams have very bad losses. The Ravens just lost to the Dolphins. The same Dolphins that lost to the Jags. The same Dolphins that lost seven in a row. The same Dolphins that still have Tua (who's nursing a broken finger). I was just as shocked as you were. I thought we'd steamroll the Jags. It was a gut punch. It was very disappointing. They had no business being on the same field as us. Until they did. Yes, we have problems. Yes, they need to be addressed and McD promised that they are being addressed (he's typically a man of his word and responds well to adversity). Yes, our margin for error just got smaller. That said, we're not out of this thing because of one bad loss. History has shown us this. I remember one year where the Cowboys won one game. It was to their rivals, the no named football team, who ended up winning the Super Bowl that year. Heck, there were four bad losses by good teams last week (us included). The Ravens game is just simply the newest example. Yes, if we pile up a few more bad losses against teams we should beat than it could be over (for this season). But right now, we're still in this thing and we're still contenders. The Steelers, while a tough loss, was a bad matchup. The Titans loss was a heartbreaker. The Jags is our first bad loss of the season. And guess what, every AFC contender that's at the top of their division has a bad loss now. The Titans do. The Ravens do. The Chargers do. And, our awesome Bills do. I'm not even predicting what the Bills will do. They could lose a few more bad games and then many of you can comeback to this post and tell me that the post didn't age well. You have my permission to do so, btw. But that's not even the point of the post. The point is that every team has a REALLY, HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE BAD loss every once in awhile. We just had ours. That said, one bad loss doesn't have to define our team or their season. Everything is still in front of us and we're still contenders at this point. As fans, let's not let one week define us. Let's cheer our hearts out as our Bills continue to fight for it all. Go Bills Mafia! Let's go Buffalo!
  13. It’s this kind of attitude, and JA, McD and others have it too, that make me know that the bills will be OK. Yes, they’ve hit a rough patch especially because of the o-line. But, they’re here to stay.
  14. Hey MT! Since you brought up the run game, if you haven’t seen it yet, I thought you may enjoy this article about our run game. https://www.espn.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/36537/buffalo-bills-offense-still-missing-home-run-hitter-from-the-backfield
  15. I agree, bro. Even the dominant years of the Pats usually had us playing good/close for some or a lot of one of those games. Some fans are getting spoiled and need to realize that every SB contender has down halves, games or even slumps during a season. "We didn't score over 30 points. What happened?" "We didn't obliterate this bad team. Are we a SB contender or not?" "We settled for a FG or two. If we do that vs. (fill in the blank) team, we'll lose." "We had a bad quarter or half. Are we as good as we thought we were?"
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