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Everything posted by BillsFan619

  1. Very good thoughts, Miyagi. BB can really exploit ST weaknesses. They make big plays on ST. We’ve lost games (or helped contribute to the loss) because of our ST. So, Haack is really going to have to be on his game. I really like your thought process here.
  2. Good pick, Yolo. With the potential of really bad weather, he could definitely be the key.
  3. I’m going to go with Dane Jackson. Here’s my reasoning. If he can just play admirably, this will allow the rest of our defense to in turn play their 1/11 instead of feeling like they have to overcompensate for the loss of Tre. Who ya got, Bills Mafia? Go Bills!
  4. Thanks for sharing, Generic. I get it. It was nice to see them have such a down year last year. It was especially nice to destroy them in their house and see BB throw the phone. As I shared in the OP, that was an instant classic. The cool thing is, everything is still right in front of us. We can take the division and be directly responsible for keeping it from them. Even though it would've been great for them to have another down year, we have a great opportunity on Monday night. Go get it, Buffalo!
  5. This game means a lot. But, it means a lot for this season. If we lose on Monday it “might” (notice I said might) mean that we place 2nd in the division this year. A loss on Monday has nothing to do with being in the hunt or in second place for the next 10 years though. That’s too big of a leap. It’s a massive hot take leap. The foundation that’s been laid (especially having JA) should keep us competitive for years. Some years they may be competing for a SB. Some years that may be losing in the playoffs. Some years they may win the division, some years they won’t. There may even be some years here and there where we don’t make the playoffs. But, losing on Monday night has nothing to do with the next 9 years after this one. Same if we win. If we win it’s a tremendous step towards the division title as well as towards the #1 seed this year. But, it doesn’t determine anything that happens the other 9 years coming up.
  6. @without a drought, brings up a very interesting thought and discussion. Does anyone else feel the same way where they possibly don’t like this Pats team over the Brady lead Pats teams? Would love to hear anyone’s thoughts.
  7. Really. Even with all the domination the Brady led Pats had? Would love to hear your thoughts on why.
  8. Great thoughts! Mike Catalana and Mike Reiss were talking back and forth about the Bills and Pats. They both agreed that, for the most part, the Bills and Pats haven't often been good at the same time. The late 80s/early 90s Bills were great, the Pats not so much. There was a couple years in the mid to late 90s that both teams were good but then it was the Pats dynasty along with our drought. In many ways we're in uncharted territory with the Pats. But, it's still ours for the taking. We have the opportunity to take the division and be the ones that keep it from them. It all starts on MNF. Go Bills!
  9. Good thoughts, Success! I'd have to agree. While the whole line is important, there's a reason the LT (blindside) is typically the highest paid linemen in the NFL. That said, it was awesome to hear that Feliciano and Brown are back practicing today. And even though we weren't talking about Star, it was great to hear that he's back as well. It's HUGE to have him back. What are your thoughts on Star?
  10. I like your takes in this thread, Success. Let’s hope we get some good news about Brown today as we start the final stretch of the season. I know they’re all important, but of the three, which o-linemen is most important to have back in your opinion? Brown, Feliciano being back to previous form or Dawkins being back to previous form? Others can feel free to answer this as well if you have an opinion about it.
  11. I believe the first media interviews of the week are on Tuesday. Hopefully McD will have an update on Star and Spencer at that time. Unless they got hit real hard with symptoms, I'd think that they'd be back for this game.
  12. Love your spirit and attitude, bro. While I hope it’s not tooooo exciting, so that the nerves aren’t too high 😜🤣, this is what December football is all about. Fighting for the division, and if your record is good enough, fighting for the number one seed. We have the opportunity for both. Don’t let your rival have it. Go out and get it, Buffalo.
  13. Thanks for sharing, bro. Great thoughts. Yep, I definitely agree. While it would’ve been nice to be farther head in the division, we can still send the same message to the patriots. It’s all in front of us still. What a great opportunity!
  14. 🤣😜 That was a GREAT and funny analogy. Awesome, bro. On a positive note, there’s only so many sequels you can make with the same slasher villain. 😜🤣
  15. Yup! It’s all right in front of them. Now go get it!
  16. Per usual, great thoughts, Virg. I believe we have a good shot at the number one seed.
  17. Well, the AFCE comes down to December. Unless something really weird happens to either team, it specifically comes down to two games against NE in 20 days. With all of the struggles and disappointments we had mid-season, what an opportunity we have before us. That said, by how some are responding , you'd think we don't even have a chance at the division. Yes, we've struggled but we are still a really good team. And, we still have everything in front of us to win this division (and more). I get it, it's the Pats. The PTSD is probably still fresh for some since they dominated for so long. We all wanted them to stay in the AFCE cellar once Brady moved on to the Bucs. And last year was amazing, because for once, we played the part that the Pats usually played against us. We pulled one out and then completely dominated them in Foxborough (I still love that our team made BB throw a phone - an instant classic). On top of that the competition wasn't close and we ran away with the division with a 13-3 record. After a down year, the Pats are back (at least for this year) and we're starting December neck and neck with them. I know it's not who we wanted to contend with, but even two years ago, we as fans would've been begging to have the opportunity that's in front of us. That opportunity being two games against the Pats in December to most likely decide the division. That opportunity being that we control our own destiny heading into December. That opportunity being a chance for us to keep the AFCE crown in Buffalo and be the team that keeps it from being in Foxborough again. We're a good team that struggled mid-season. The Pats struggled in the first part of the season and have unfortunately come into form and have been playing good ball. So, here we are. We cruised to the division title last year but most division titles in most years go down to the wire. It's something we as fans need to get used to. While it would've been nice to have a repeat of last year where the division came pretty easily to us, this is a good thing for our Bills. It keeps them focused. It reminds them that every game matters. And, it gives them the opportunity to show the Pats who's in charge in the AFCE. Only time will tell if they take that opportunity but that time starts next Monday at home in front of the greatest, most loyal fans. It's time to go get it, Buffalo. Show them that it's not going to happen in our house, on your watch. Show them who the new king of the division is. Go Bills!
  18. Just a gut feeling or is it something you heard McD say? Either is fine, I was just wondering if you heard something.
  19. I know, bro. That’s the reason for the word hopefully. 😜🤣
  20. Hey koala. I noticed you picked a linebacker. The player I picked was Tremaine. With star being out, we really do need to have our linebackers limit the yards so 3 to 4 yard gains don’t turn into 10 to 12 yard gains. So, here’s to our linebackers having a great game.
  21. Oh wow! This could be a really big day for you. Go Breida! Go Bills!!!
  22. Hopefully he gets you your TD, bro. Along with the win, of course. 😜
  23. That’d be great, especially against Siemian. He’d buckle under the pressure. To your point, with many Saints out, hopefully many of our players make their presence felt.
  24. Hey, if his mole helps us win, awesome! 😜 Whatever it takes, just get the win.
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