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Everything posted by JFKjr

  1. "That topic" is not our business...because? You seem to have no problem weighing in on the U.S. When I am dying in pain -- what? How many shots did you take? How many boosters? Are you still getting boosters? Were you able to avoid Covid due to your 'Covid vaccinations?' (that was not the only lie told by the CDC and the Canadian healthcare establishment) I was going to confirm the latest Canadian recommendations on that but got distracted by THIS verbiage (lol): The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) recognizes that not all people giving birth or breastfeeding will identify as women or mothers. The writing in this chapter uses a gender additive approach where the term 'woman' is used alongside gender neutral language. This is intended to demonstrate a commitment to redress the historic exclusion of trans and non-binary people, whilst avoiding the risk of marginalising or erasing the experience of women within the health care environment. Great stuff! Still not living in REALITY, are ya. But, that's "your business." Anyway if you're STILL buying into the Covid vaccines after all that has been revealed about Covid origins, prior patents, Big Pharma skimping on safety testing (Maddie De Garay ring a bell?), then you're so deep into the media propaganda you may be beyond saving. And I apologize that MY tax dollars may have inadvertently led to YOUR brainwashing via USAID. It's a shame, truly! Canada needs to redress it's Historic Attempt to Impose Libnut Woke Ideology.
  2. You weren't worried about this when it was "Biden's America." lol. And lots of libs denied anyone "cared about the price of eggs" at the time Kamala was gearing up to lose an election. No one needs the CDC's help stopping anything -- they are the ones busy finding "bird flu" where it DOESN'T EXIST, using (once again) a flawed PCR test that finds illness where there isn't any. If anything we need to stop the CDC. But glad you're not worried about the cholesterol!
  3. Back in the Covid era it was easy to spot a liberal in the grocery store.
  4. Keir Starmer's new health secretary in the UK thinks it's fine if people identify as llamas. Makes sense for LLIBERALS!
  5. I'm not mad, I'm absolutely delighted at what's going on with Trump/Musk. Word is this is only the beginning of some massive stuff they'll be uncovering. So if YOU aren't mad, and I'm loving life, I guess nobody's mad and all is well!
  6. I would agree that four years ago very few people knew what USAID was really up to, including Tom Cotton. So many surprises! And many more to come.
  7. Yes we've gotten QUITE a good look at what Liberal Hegemony is all about. 1. Obergefell, the court case that legalized gay marriage in the U.S. At the time liberals said this would merely give rights to same sex couples and the "movement" didn't have any ambitions beyond that. Where are we 10 years later? Quite a ways down the slippery slope liberals claimed didn't exist. We reached a point where kids could start "transitioning" in schools with the encouragement of school personnel with no notice to parents. Transgender surgeries performed on minors. Drag queen story hour. Books in school libraries so inappropriate that parents get kicked out of school board meetings for reading from them. 2. Covid. At first just a shutdown, masks and distancing. Then the offer of a vaccine. Then "prizes" for taking it. Finally MANDATES and job loss if you didn't. (if you worked in healthcare or for the government. Or a large company. Or attended college.) Something that has been proven NEITHER safe, nor effective. A relatively untested gene therapy. MANDATED by Pres. Joe Biden. Liberals CHEERED that, and wanted it to go even further. And you're worried about 'sand in the face?' lol. 3. President Trump elected 2016. Did Dems/Libs let him just serve his term? Of course not! What started with spying on his campaign quickly evolved to thwarting him at every turn: fake dossier, Russiagate, Mueller investigation, impeachment (twice!), news media dropping all pretense of objectivity in attacking Trump. 4. USAID seems to be a liberal and perhaps CIA slush fund, at least the majority of it. And as I say, just the tip of the iceberg, wait until they get to bigger areas. 5. Liberals weaponizing government. Don't think we forgot about people like Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservative groups. That's for starters. Now if you're only worried about your neck of the woods, that's fine, but Trump's job is much bigger than that. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be the greatest president since Lincoln. Maybe you don't have anyone like Trump to stand up for what's right in your country. Canada went even FURTHER than the U.S. in terms of Covid censorship, vaccine mandates, blocking bank accounts! (canadian anti-vax truckers). And your 'assisted suicide movement' is quite a peach!
  8. After the "selection" of Kamala you're worried about primaries? For the other party?
  9. He's draining the swamp. What's been revealed so far is just the tip of the iceberg.
  10. Now the UK Constitution is at risk!
  11. Gee looks like we have the money to provide health insurance to the uninsured. We're just using it for fraud instead. Well fraud IS sick, so, there's that.
  12. I suspect Musk's Doge team is hard at work tracing who these judges are receiving "funding" from aside from their employers. haha. Yes they're sure worried about a "funding freeze."
  13. Ukraine will turn out to consist of: Deep State money laundering, drug running, bioweapons labs and human trafficking. Among other things.
  14. Biden-era guidance:
  15. The highlight of Jones' evening without a doubt!
  16. Turns out there was massive global censorship/propaganda (unfortunately taxpayer funded) this entire time. And STILL Trump won!
  17. None of that smelled right at the time. ALL of this will be revisited: Benghazi, Hillary's private server, The Clinton Foundation -- heck let's take it all the way back to cattle futures and that Little Rock drugrunning airport. There is so MUCH to investigate it's hard to know what to investigate next.
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