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Everything posted by JFKjr

  1. Their songs are out of tune. Their base is out of touch. Their leadership is out of ideas. And they're becoming more and more frantic.
  2. They are also sending concerned emails to publications that are in charge of keeping the globalist/leftnut propaganda going.
  3. Time for you to mask up! They may even roll out a vaccine just to calm your fears.
  4. Armored electric vehicles sound like a bad idea.
  5. As the Democratic FRONTRUNNER for 2028 I'd say what she thinks about what's going on currently is VERY relevant. What didn't you like about Kamala? Why are you relieved that "she's gone" ) whatever that means? Looking forward to the the raft of challenges!
  6. Obviously you're not getting what has been shown to you in the past couple of weeks. The whole system is so corrupt and rotted from the inside, so little of our 'taxpayer funds' going for anything functional, the debt being driven up so high TO CONTINUE THE GRIFT -- the whole system is poised for collapse with taxpayers left holding the bag. What I suspect is Trump is going to permit the collapse and come in with a new system. (already planned and in the works) So "tariffs" blah blah blah "stagflation" blah blah blah or "debt" etc etc. None of that will matter. But sure, entertain us with what passes for Libnut talking points these days, or maybe it's your own economic acumen you're purporting to educate us with. By all means, tell us how it's going to go!
  7. Liberals: "Well proper procedures were followed and the judge has final say so it's cool." And ALSO: "You're not complaining because you REALLY care about children, you just want to 'stick it to the Libs!"
  8. Wanting fake men out of women's sports and women's and girls' restrooms and locker rooms? Yes it's absolutely about women. For you it's about sticking with what your group tells you to believe and say.
  9. What would you know about "a bit" of corruption when things in the billions and trillions don't faze you?
  10. Misogny is just such an easy thing to justify when your peer group is all for it.
  11. Libs: "We need to wait for CONgress to fix this." lol. Really.
  12. You are gravely underestimating what Trump and his team(s) are doing. Ah yes, they 'don't have the evidence' so therefore they will ANNOUNCE the things they merely 'suspect' in order to give the fraudsters the opportunity time to hide all their deeds. And you are going to give the Trump team some great advice (which surely they would not have thought of) to "just keep quiet." This is all coming out now because they HAVE the receipts. Are you familiar with the Trump statement "I caught them all?" Making things public at this point means the Libs/Dems/RINOs/Deepstaters have already lost the war. But, we're going to see plenty of fireworks as the show goes down.
  13. You miss Sleepy Joe, don't you?
  14. Which part, that Ivermectin works, or that the Covid vaccines didn't?
  15. Poor racist Rachel can't stand the idea of a woman of color being Director of National Intelligence.
  16. The history of Fauci and AIDS will be looked at. The picture is not as rosy as you might think.
  17. Sounds like a great platform for 2028!
  18. I'm sure Kamala would've uncovered this stuff!
  19. Not if it's cheap. Look what they did to Ivermectin, which was much more effective against Covid than the vaccines, which they made BILLIONS from. The did everything possible to suppress the cheap cure in favor of their new untested thing which didn't even work.
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