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Everything posted by JFKjr

  1. I'm looking forward to the return of the Brunson case.
  2. Needed an arrow on her belly pointing up for accuracy.
  3. Bye-bye, Bye-Done Administration.
  4. Massive cheating in PA/Philadelphia. (and she STILL lost, lol!) It will not be set aside this time. Arrests are coming. They've got to fix the rigged voting system.
  5. This could've been an exciting talking point for Kamala! I wonder how she and her billion-dollar campaign missed it.
  6. Dems are hilarious in their Libocrisy. This is Stacy Abrams.
  7. Found out why she wears pantsuits.
  8. Seems like Colorado voters caught a bad case of racism/sexism in 2024.
  9. Media's "Hitler" narrative certainly smelled of desperation.
  10. Quite the Rorschach Moment!
  11. Whine whine whine. Biden is doing his best to ignite WWIII before he leaves office. "Good job." You're complaining about Walmart "warning" of higher prices NOW? Where was your concern for the economy when Kamala was ignoring it? You're about to see what a "lame duck" will do and I'm really looking forward to it.
  12. Sadly I don't think it's just the far left at this point. There are people on the "average left" who are ditching friends and family due to how they voted. Personally I've never had to do that in my life, no matter how crazed my liberal friends get.
  13. Pennsylvania "still counting votes."
  14. I wonder if there's any connection to the Nashville bombing that impacted AT&T several months later.
  15. You should be happy then. Where's your Kamala-inspired JOY?
  16. Like the improvement we've seen over the past four years with millions of immigrants pouring over the borders? Yes NBC needs to do a story on that.
  17. Let's nominate Obama for a cabinet position!
  18. This is a really interesting topic. I'm waiting for it to all come out! Also would like to know who unlocked the Capitol doors.
  19. How could we not be aware? The optics on the transgender issue alone practically handed the election to Trump. Bravo!
  20. I'm okay with you not liking the pick. And getting your Covid booster. And being one of the 'owned Libs.'
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