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Everything posted by JFKjr

  1. Hunter's violent acts (per the laptop) deserve a pardon? Why is that? Elite Privilege?
  2. We do appreciate the precedent that's been set on pardons.
  3. Well at least all the Dems/Libs fell for it. Kinda funny that Joe got the last laugh. "Best candidate!" "Joy!" "Peace through strength!" Harris Reminded Us Why She's By Far The Best Candidate For President
  4. You got that right. Thanks, Joe!
  5. Hunter's case is far bigger than that. It's about Ukraine money-laundering, biolabs (Metabiota), his firm Rosemont Seneca, the ties to China. Or maybe nobody filled you in? You think it's about drug use and a gun charge?
  6. Is Hunter even alive at this point.
  7. I wonder if Biden will pardon Fauci.
  8. I think that refers to all of the financial dealings with Burisma and more.
  9. I would only vote him the worst if he actually succeeds in igniting WWIII.
  10. Excuse me, what -- JOE BIDEN'S "future political ambitions?" It *may* spell the end for the demented guy who isn't even well enough to be on the campaign ticket, and was summarily expelled in favor of the political equivalent of a bimbo who hasn't accomplished anything and cannot even explain herself in a long-form interview. You're suggesting his "courageous act" was at the SACRIFICE of his FUTURE political ambitions? Why, how noble!
  11. I doubt there is any J6 participant whose crimes rise to the level of (the totality) of Hunter Biden's crimes since 2014. Might as well pardon them all and call it a decade.
  12. Think of all the billions wasted over there to prop up their money laundering operation!
  13. Maybe we'll see a whole string of Biden Crime Family pardons.
  14. I'm not sure I agree with this take. Those investigations may very well take place, and the other members of the Biden family may be on the hook for crimes committed. (Not Hunter's crimes, but accepting illegal funds etc.) If Hunter is compelled to testify he can't take the fifth, because there's no possibility of self-incrimination. Furthermore, if he DOES refuse to testify (as I understand it), then he can lose his deal for the pardon.
  15. He means Trump didn't leave liberals' heads, where he's been living rent-free since 2016.
  16. The gun charge was pretty minor, comparatively.
  17. Amalfi Coast is delightful and not to be missed.
  18. They actually got Swatted. Which a true supporter wouldn't do to someone they supported.
  19. I had to search to see what the $450K "Kamala Face on a Sphere" looked like.
  20. That's the Dems' billion-dollar result. Well, TWO billion if you count Super Pac funds. Money well spent!
  21. Sure, the legacy media may be around. They just have fewer and fewer people paying attention to them.
  22. The only ones to lose bigger in this election than Kamala was the news media.
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