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Everything posted by nobody

  1. A simple question and only 1 real answer so far. Gotta love how this board has diminished. I'd say start him against the Rams if the season is not going anywhere.
  2. I'd say after the second NE game the team will know what chances they have and how JP is looking in practice. At that point if the season is not going anywhere then you put JP in starting againt the Rams.
  3. QBs are supposed to have a swagger - they are the team leaders. You know all those comments about how the QB gets more blame and more credit then they deserve. Well that is is why they should have more confidence to speak out. Yes, in the end they have to prove it on the field but first they have to show it in their comments.
  4. I don't care if he starts but I do want to see him get the carries at the goal line.
  5. Here's a question - if the powers that be remove a topic does your post count decline?
  6. Yelled very loudly and slowly (along with sign language): If you click on the TBD logo at the top of the page it will take you back to the main Two Bills Drive Forums page.
  7. I guess it's a crime nowadays to post actual Bills news on this site.
  8. Boy, try to report any Bills news to this site and get ready for all the sarcasm!
  9. Please MLB - don't call them the Senators! Give them a different name!
  10. I think it was in the News a few weeks back that if the team doesn't improve their attendance figures for their home games that the NCAA will drop them from 1-A.
  11. Will this game be a matchup to see who will get their 1st victory for the season? It is quite possible.
  12. There is a new British film out now called Shaun of the Dead which is supposed to be very good.
  13. Can't he just claim that he is playing again - then the league suspends him for the season for his ganja use and maybe he doesn't have to pay then.
  14. The reason for expansion was money. With the minuscule TV contracts the NHL gets there was really only 1 way for Bettman to pump up the value of the league: expansion fees. With new teams coming in and paying hundreds of milllions of dollars in expansion fees to the league and other owners everyone was happy. Well the league has maxed out that money vein which cuts into profits even more now.
  15. Red felt on the stage? That could lead to carpet burns.
  16. All this admitting bad calls will do is make the Bills think that their offense really isn't that bad. Now they can use it as an excuse. See, the offense really scored 3 touchdowns in 2 games - not just 2 TDs!
  17. Excuse me "nobody" but I think Paco was being facetious. At least I hope he was because "nobody" can be that stupid intentionally. Well, almost "nobody." 43583[/snapback] No, I would think he wasn't trying to be funny but just making the point that the Bills lost so it doesn't really matter how many phantom point the Bills could have had. The loss is still a loss. I think you would have to have Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease to think he was joking.
  18. No I meant a total of 8 points for the 3 cases. Safety - 2 pts FG instead of Henry TD- 3 pts FG after Nate's return - 3 pts
  19. Probably really no more then 8 points: 2pts for the saftey, they would have gone for the field goal instead of a Henry TD and they would go for the field goal when they got stopped after Nate's return.
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