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Everything posted by nobody

  1. That question was a bit silly. What is this 3rd grade? OK boys and girls describe the picture in front of you without saying what it is and everyone will try to guess what object you are describing.
  2. Not really any need for the "other side" to chime in when Rich in OH has already stated the obvious. Charles Rangle drafted that bill (no pun intended) because he believes the military is disproportionately filled with poor and minorities. He is trying for shock value to make a point. The extremes on both sides of the spectrum always try to do these things but most of the time they never get put to vote.
  3. An Edwards draw with Cheney really is a win for Edwards. While Cheney's speaking style would put me to sleep if he were teaching a class he is able to put together meaningful sentences and is a good debater.
  4. With rounds even and Edwards with more then double Cheney's point total I didn't see how Olbermann gave the win to Cheney to begin with. But now I see that has been rectified.
  5. The problem was that he was listening to ESPN radio.
  6. Did I just read that you think Clinton strategized as a political tool to have serious heart problems that could have killed him and being forced to have major heart surgey because of that? That belief is low for no matter side of the political spectrum you fall on.
  7. A classic republican retort.
  8. He's just playing the politics game with you. He's labeled you as the Black Pen Conspiracist. Now everything you say can be countered by saying "black pen." As you know, that's all it takes nowadays.
  9. Sounds like the coworker has medal envey. He only got one medal for getting wounded while Kerry got 3. I respect each and every person who has gone to war for this country - doesn't matter if they are republican, democrat, got wounded or not, fought at the front line or worked in the mess hall. You would think that every veteran would have at least the same level of repect for other vets.
  10. Isn't Fox News run by Bush's cousin?
  11. It's hard work but we won't have freedom until every man, woman and child in Iraq has a pair of Nikes on their feet.
  12. Doesn't Ohio still use a similar, if not the same, type of ballot that Florida used? If the vote is closer to even this election in Ohio we could see the same type of issue arise again.
  13. It's not an issue that the general American cares about that much so it is not brought up much. Politicians only talk about things that the marketers say will sell. I'm waiting for product placements to start popping up in the debates.
  14. The team is 0-3. Trying to make a player feel special will lead to 0-4. Use all of the tools that you have Mularkey!
  15. When did JS win an Oscar? Maybe you meant Jerry Sullivan = Mandy Moore
  16. It's almost a lock now that the Bills - Miami game will be a battle for the first victory.
  17. You would hope that the opposing team would be reluctant to tackle her so maybe that would be a good move on the Bills part.
  18. He lives on the FieldTurf.
  19. Too bad we never get to see if McGahee is a player as well.
  20. The whole process has cost less than $30 million I think. Pretty impressive.
  21. I don't get why this $87 bil is an issue. The 1st version of the senate bill had the tax cut for the wealthy repealed to pay some of the cost while the 2nd version paid for it through borrowing. The only difference was where the money was coming from. One way your rich uncle was giving you money to buy the Nikes - the other way you are pulling out your own credit card to get the Nikes.
  22. You would be better off voting for someone like the Green Party (if their on the PA ballot) candidate. That way, if they get enough votes, that party will automatically be on all the state and local ballots giving people more choice then just 2.
  23. I think every politician uses that nowadays - they all do what's popular.
  24. If you were doing the beating wouldn't that make you the punk? All the best to you Cindy.
  25. No, it's inside out.
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