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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Many "born again" christians are people who have moved away from their christian faith living a "unchristian" life until some dramatic event leads them back. At that point they take their faith to an extreme where they believe they are superior in faith then others who have never lost faith. This link goes into some of what I mean. http://www.lotc.org/lounge/sermon/born_again.html
  2. I get amused by the fact that born again christians do not believe that you have true faith until you have lost faith and gotten it back.
  3. I woudn't say nowhere near but let's all hope that we don't have another WW to get to that level again. The numbers shouldn't be high percentage or absolute wise. The federal government is far too bloated. We need to shrink the government not increase it. The public sector job count has increaed by 800k in the last 4 years. Federal governemt job counts should be going down not up. You need to reduce not "increase less".
  4. Just think - all Carter had to do was send a couple of missles into Iran and he would have been reelected.
  5. Just on this one point - what do you think is occuring right now in this country? We all are living with the largest deficits of all time. That means the goverment is spending more money then it takes in. It is spending more then ever before in US history "money that simply doesn't exist" . I don't care which side you lean towards but this is not sound fiscal policy for any side. Each year of deficit means more of the next budget must go towards paying down the debt which takes away money for everything else.
  6. It is very thoughtful of you to write these comments. Since Kerry is also a Swift Boat Vet I'm sure you include him in your wish for blessings.
  7. That's what makes America a great country - freedom.
  8. I don't know if it is possible to actually learn from this list. You will have to try to find the facts hidden among the many so called answers from extremists on both sides. Good luck! Vote what you believe in.
  9. 6 OL & 1 TE - so that's a total of 7 players blocking an average of 4 defensive rushers. That almost gets it to the 2 blockers for every rusher that this team needs to maintain to give Drew maybe his 4 seconds or to make a hole for the RB to find.
  10. Gotta give Drew, or any QB, more then 1 or 2 seconds to get a throw off.
  11. That might be the only way for the line to stop the rush for more then a second. Play 2WR, 1 TE, 1 RB and 6 OL sets for most plays. Replace a WR or the TE for downs where you want a FB.
  12. Looked to me that when Drew stepped up to avoid the rush he ran into the rest of the collapsing pocket.
  13. So true - if you noticed on the Evans TD the Bills only sent out 2 receivers with the 2 TEs and the 2 RBs staying in to block the rush. That is what they need to do most downs - play 2 TE sets and most plays keep them in to block. Heck, even bring in a 6th OL if you have to.
  14. If they could create some holes for running plays and protect the QB for more then 1 second this team could actually win a few games. And as usual - the D plays a strong game but when the team needs it the most it is not there. Play McGahee (2 out of 3 on 3rd down conversions) and Evans (1 pass thrown to and 1 TD) more.
  15. Evian? Isn't that French? They'll have to find some "Freedom Water" instead.
  16. But if you include all of the jobs created in India the numbers look alot better!
  17. It's all soundbites now. I'm waiting for the ad placements to be put on the candidates suits. They can start wearing outfits like race car drivers.
  18. That whole draft issue is a non-issue. Even Eric in Ohio says that. Just political grandstanding.
  19. Sorry, I'm not in the military so I don't have a CIC.
  20. Who was President when some idiot terrorists attacked on 9.11? Don't bother answering that one - the real question I have is will you support your Commander in Chief if Kerry wins? Will that part of your avatar remain?
  21. Egads! a French word - better find a different word to use!
  22. I thought governors run the states?
  23. It's a question that could work in a different setting - say a magazine article where the interviewer can poke and prod the person into giving real answers. But in a sound-bite setting, I mean debate, it doesn't fly too well.
  24. Most Rust-belt state cities have declined due to suburbanization where the wealth has left the city leaving the poor and under-educated people behind. On top of that unfunded federal and state mandates suck whatever marrow is left in the bones. I blame both sides.
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