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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Yes, we all know the only media source that matters is Fox News.
  2. Typical responses from the pro-Bush side. If you don't like the facts just criticize the messenger, the source, the weather, say it's a liberal conspiracy or change the subject completely.
  3. That's because they are all rich and can afford to pay for the plastic surgery.
  4. You know what else is amusing - in the US you can buy a drug that is made in England but you can't buy a drug made in the US if you try to buy it in Canada.
  5. Plain and simple the shortage happened because the British company that supplies 50 million vaccines for the US had contamination problems at their factory and had to destroy all the vaccines. There are 2 companies that provide nearly all of the vaccines to the US so half the supply was wiped out. There is little profit in these flu vaccines - the only way to make money is by volume. What the government could do is require all drug companies that make vaccines sold in the US to make a set number of flu vaccines. Something like give them X number of years more on patents for their profit making drugs to pay for the flu vaccines.
  6. Purely so the media has something to talk about. The media is just as bad as politicians these days. Just as all politicians try to do is find the one-liners to drill into the publics head against the other side the media only reports on stories that will get the highest rating. I hate to use the word "news" when it comes to the media since it's all opinionated soundbites and glimmer.
  7. That was a very funny article. The author must not be a native Miamian.
  8. "Mularkey said Shaw's release wasn't meant to send a message to the team. Rather, the coaching staff felt they could improve the production level with his roster spot. "When I say production, it is game, practice, meetings, and anything affiliated with what you do with your job," said Mularkey." I heard a similar comment from Mularkey about McGahee - saying that this past week he improved his production in those situations prior to the Jets game. Perhaps that is another reason why McGahee wasn't getting the game time the last few games before the Jets game. This gives me a glimmer of optimisim for the rest of the season. Working hard during the week will lead to working hard during the game.
  9. Most of those penalties are for taunting - they keep sticking out their tongues and saying "nah nah you can't beat us."
  10. Is that her facing forward or facing sidways?
  11. Hopefully they will bring in another OL.
  12. Good move for Travis. Won't get any playing time but a salary is a salary.
  13. Maybe if they throw Evans more then one pass per game they might be more productive.
  14. The new 75% less sugar version is pretty decent as well.
  15. Did they have Fruit Brute?
  16. He is a Physical Education teacher after all - not an English teacher.
  17. Should do that for both Kerry and Bush.
  18. If the target of the bomb was the driver then it is correct to say that the bomb was put there without the knowldge of the person driving the car. It is also true to say the bomb was planted in the car - concealing it from its intended target (all of the people at those 2 locations) where it was driven by the planter to the locations to be detonated. Planted just implies a concealed item.
  19. "I said at the time of the Butler report that I took full responsibility and indeed apologise for any information given in good faith that has subsequently turned out to be wrong" He apologised for saying there were WMD. >>>Well I guess that Tony Blair is no different then GWB. They must both be on the same intellectual plane. Can't trust anyone with weird accents! >>>Hmm, what now for all those dems who feel that Blair is such an intellectually superior human being to GWB? Are there people who think that?
  20. That's what I said - It was planted in a car and then that car was driven into the compound.
  21. It was planted in a car and then that car was driven into the compound.
  22. Your tax dollars are currently being used for this research under the Bush administration.
  23. I would guess zero since those loopholes in question existed prior to when Kerry joined the Senate.
  24. Are you proposing chemical warfare?
  25. Gotta like how some complain about Bush's wood biz was 3 years ago but then come back with something against Kerry that is 21 years ago.
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