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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I think the term marriage should only be used for religious ceremonies and all government certified ceremonies should be called civil unions.
  2. Funny how each side hears things completely different from the same source.
  3. Might actually have gotten a few more countries to join in the coalition also.
  4. Sadly the description of what a journalist is has been lost completely with all of the so-called media types on the air today. They're all just Ebert & Roepers.
  5. Putin is using the "war on terrorism" as a way to take total power in Russia. He is creating a totalitarian state under the guise of fighting terrorism. What is going on in Russia really is a civil war with Chechnya, or however it is spelled. Of course it is based in religion. Just imagine if some southern states tried to cecede from the US nowadays.
  6. Too bad that was not the reason given for going to war.
  7. Well Bush has a lot of experience with both of those so I guess it is expected he would make a lot of mistakes.
  8. Don't forget that little smile he gets when he gets all excited. I might not remember everything I said 2 years ago but I'm not the president either. Of course the spin doctors did a fine job of pushing this issue far down by talking about Dick's daughter.
  9. That's what I kept seeing - McGahee would get a shot on the blitz man which would give Drew that extra second that he needs. Impressive blocks by McGahee and great to see the confidence restored in Drew, at least for one game, to see his talent come through.
  10. Another reason I wish the words conservative and liberal would just go away. They do not represent either political group anymore. There was a time when the republican party was for less federal govt - hasn't been the case in a long time.
  11. Look at that - more then 8 hours after you post and not one pro-Bush comeback at you. Amazing!
  12. That is funny! I wonder if you fill up the envelope so full that it weighs more then an ounce if they have to pay for postage due?
  13. I 'll go with the guy who played Carla's ex on Cheers who played Nixon in the move Dick.
  14. I wouldn't go that far - but better electronic surveillance at least. Though to be honest it is pretty impossible to block all ways in with the size of the country - especially when you add in all of the coastlines.
  15. I'm pretty sure he was talking about her "last words" on the subject of him running for president - not specifically her last words in life. Unless that happened to be the last topic they were talking about. If you have ever dealt with someone dying you know it is not like in the movies where the dramatic and sad music is playing and the person starts by saying "and one more thing..." or "and remember..." and then dies.
  16. Try blowing another note on that horn sometimes.
  17. That would take all the fun out of this!
  18. I agree except you have to hate to see price gouging going on when it comes to people's health.
  19. I guess this one hurts so much that the pro-bush group doesn't even want to attack you. Maybe they are waiting for the spin-doctors to come up with some retorts for this.
  20. Sounds like many more families financial situation have declined so that they are now eligible to try for this grant.
  21. If you can cut the cost of producing the vaccine then profits rise and other drug companies will perhaps decide to produce them as well.
  22. All persons in the US are innocent until proven guilty - be they considered honorable or not, be they rich or not, be they public figures or not.
  23. And close to half of this country is either so stupid, brainwashed or naive that they will vote for the other candidate no matter what. Simply incredible indeed.
  24. I don't think they subsidize them - they just limit the price that drug companies can charge for them.
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