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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I just wish that more of us regular commoners in the US would realize that both Bush and Kerry are not the "average joe."
  2. This belief in pure absolutes is the cause of many wars over the years. The crusades were our god is right and others is wrong, hitler was the arayan race is good and all others are bad. Belief in one view without consideration for other views is a dangerous way to live.
  3. This should be a comfort to everyone who has doubts about if he would use force - since prior to the primaries he was for the war then we can be assured that after he is elected he can be himself again and defend the country as needed.
  4. This just shows what a great country we live in. In a free democratic society we are allowed to vote and support whatever person we choose.
  5. That's what I thought you meant. Can't compete with GB in the "ruling class" contest since his family has been ruling parts or all of the US (historically - mostly the NE area) for a very long time now.
  6. Let's not forget that GB is the same wealth and class. Not many "Joe Everyman" out there that have owned baseball teams, owned oil companies, have a father that was president, have a grand father who was a governor of Connecticut, etc.
  7. If he really is not 100% - which I don't think he is - he'll get about 60 yards.
  8. I think if you look at the original posts in this thread you will see that it was about how the media is biased towards Kerry and will give headlines like "Bush, Kerry in Dead Heat" when Bush showed a lead of 3 pts - well here is a fine example of the opposite being true.
  9. Oct 21, 2:21 PM EDT AP Poll: Bush, Kerry in Dead Heat By RON FOURNIER AP Political Writer "In the AP-Ipsos Public Affairs poll, the Democratic ticket of Kerry and Sen. John Edwards got support from 49 percent of those who said they were likely to vote, and the Republican team of Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney got 46 percent" Gee, kinda the opposite of what others have said.
  10. Indeed it will. Not that you would be able to find it but some where some place it would be recorded.
  11. Kerry's plan (s) are pretty simple. He has done a good job of pointing them out publically. There is really not much question about what his plans are.
  12. I'd go for Kerry. Bush is more of a fisherman and Kerry has experience using assault weapons.
  13. That's because it's more fun to be mean. Negative campaign ads have brain washed us well.
  14. But when some pro-dems mention the shameful Nevada case you go into denial mode. Problems and cheats happen on both sides of the boat.
  15. You are not wrong.
  16. Congrats Moorman on being the AFC Special Teams Player of the Week! So how far do you think that 47 yard punt would have gone if it weren't for the wind?
  17. Bad move on Rice's part. Hopefully no Seahawk fan buys that jersey.
  18. Maybe you get to have 2 votes!
  19. People also ended up thinking that Nancy was one of the greatest 1st ladies at the end.
  20. Did you use an absentee ballot last election?
  21. "Karen Hughes, an adviser to President Bush (news - web sites), criticized Heinz Kerry's remarks as "indicative of an unfortunate mind-set that seeks to divide women based on who works at home and who works outside the home." " I guess Karen Hughes forgot that Laura worked outside the home as well. Who cares what the wives say - their job as first lady is to host dinner parties.
  22. Insane's insane - I'll go with the smarter insane person. Is it better to pay for all plans by making your grandchildren pay the bills? Is a bigger and bigger federal government better?
  23. It's called a "world view" - not requiring the US to be the world police for every little crisis. Do you want the US to be the only country that has to stop every crisis or shouldn't other countries have to do their share. If it directly involves the US then I'm all for using our power at will. If it's some civil war in the middle of nowhere let's get the UN involved.
  24. Have you ever gone to his website to read his plan? And can you explain exactly what GB's plan is?
  25. Agreed. Separation of chuch and state. I don't want some religion telling my goverment how to run the country. I also don't want my government telling a religion how to run their chuch.
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