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Everything posted by nobody

  1. If you don't vote you are put on a horse, have a bucket placed on your head and get banished from your town.
  2. Make sure you check for shivs first.
  3. it's funny how some of the bushites are worried about this.
  4. Hey- if it works for GB why can't Kerry do it?
  5. He is STILL the backup in KC! Scary. GB beat the Skins which is also a good sign for Kerry.
  6. Sells more papers, gets better ratings. The media is not in it to inform the public - it's about making money.
  7. Laura can call all she wants - you want Jenna to come visit in person!
  8. No he is saying vote for bush so he can have an easier time to attack again. He picks on Bush because he was in office - not going to pick on someone who had nothing to do with the situation. He didn't pick on you so I guess that means he wants you to be president.
  9. Nothing can compete with the republican political machine.
  10. At least we have the Sabres to look forward to!....oh, wait....shoot.
  11. o-line, d-line - who cares. they are all linemen.
  12. lucky so far - hope your luck continues.
  13. The Bills have beat a team that was winless and now a team that has 2 wins. Tells you something. Though I do have a good feeling that they can beat the Jets next week.
  14. I think they must have put that up after he had his first couple of runs where he got most of his yards. McGahee averaged 2.04 yards on his final 26 carries.
  15. I knew the dems forgot a step last time.
  16. No, it doesn't. I'm just another "everybody".
  17. So AD, KRC & DCTom have the "power" - anyone else? Let's go all the way and give Rich in Ohio the power.
  18. That's why a weak US dollar is good for America.
  19. I can't keep track anymore of who is on who's side.
  20. The law should be to move the clock so the sun never sets before 7pm.
  21. Haven't really seen much of that on this list. Most of us here at least know the only "man of the people" running is KRC. But the general public - now that is another scary matter.
  22. That's my point! Any person who says they are voting for any specific presidential candidate because they are "one of us" is a moron.
  23. Did GB rub orange creame on his face?
  24. Or maybe he is going there to get some sun.
  25. I have no issue with picking Bush because of his political and corporate connections - just don't say he is like every one of us.
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