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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I wish the smaller parties would come up with their own slate of candidates rather then just picking reps and dems for most spots.
  2. It is quite one sided and the attacks against anyone who is not pro-bush are vicious. But it is fun. It's like fighting !
  3. Luckily there hasn't been any gunfire yet.
  4. Who said anything about republicans? You shouldn't attack one of your potential voters.
  5. It's PA - they're obviously just counting backwards. The bickering on this board is amazing. It really is like a microcosm of congress.
  6. Oh - I shouldn't open this can of worms - but it's because of the lawyers! Outsourcing, generally, is talking about blue-collar jobs that are lost in the US when they are moved to India, etc. so the companies make more profit with less employee costs. As others have mentioned - a good portion of the drugs in CA are actually manufatured in the US so those jobs still exist in the US.
  7. They're all named Adams and Jefferson right?
  8. I would blame the problem on the idiot worker rather then any party. Not everything is a conspiracy. The guy probably got written up last election he worked for not following procedure so now he went to the other extreme.
  9. I thought it was due to slightly lower oil prices.
  10. We need to remove district making from the politicians.
  11. No - we don't need to hear any story about some guy giving him mouth to mouth.
  12. This thread can fit right in on the PPP with all the inciting and negativity! Even when you back up your posts with a 1000 facts; if you are not in the "right" you will get attacked. And expect half of your posts to be removed! But it is still fun.
  13. As long as the houses of worship are separate but equal.
  14. It will be sad to see if when Kerry wins and sends in his first appropriation bill for Iraq the republicans reject it.
  15. That's why I'm voting for you!
  16. Gee, where's DCTom when you need him!
  17. Or did you make mine? (We need an Austin Powers smiley.)
  18. You know GB is causing that rain to fall!
  19. Kinda like GB asking Kerry how he is going to pay for programs?
  20. Didn't I see this post in another thread? Sounds like a post made for no other purpose than to pick a fight.
  21. No it shows that I know which party has more money.
  22. No - worrying about some silly idea being clung to is funnier.
  23. I expect after the 1st or 2nd year of GBs 2nd term, if he wins, that Dick "resigns" for health reasons and Jeb becomes VP. That will get him into the right place to run in 08.
  24. Someone needs to do a poll to determine which poll is best.
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