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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Just moving to get cheaper prescription drugs.
  2. I expect to see Dick resign as VP after another year or 2 and Jeb moves in to the spot to get the "incumbant" effect in 08.
  3. Do we see him as a VP candidate or perhaps a cabinet position like homeland defense?
  4. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: I think we can all agree - those are the real idiots. (not including the infirm, etc. who could not vote)
  5. powell is long gone - he's only there in name only right now. bush won't want rice to leave but she may.
  6. If they could fool people into believing the US landed on the moon then they should have no problem getting people to believe a simple math equation.
  7. Haven't gotten down through the threads yet. Hope you didn't concede too soon - always have to keep your options open.
  8. And let's hope republicans don't continue to attack. (You replied to my reply about dems attacking so now I have to reply to your reply with the same reply I did the first time!) So - status quo for the goverment?
  9. An let's hope the bush supporters are gracious winners and don't continue to attack.
  10. Agreed - exit polling should be limited to issues like how they feel about the economy etc. - not numbers on how they voted. The idea behind the polling is to get a feel of how America is thinking and feeling - if you want to know how they voted wait for the actual vote counts.
  11. 04 Bush 58,286,937 04 Kerry 54,766,544 84 Reagan 54,455,000 00 Gore 50,996,582 00 Bush 50,456,062 Looks like Reagan drops to #3 in the raw numbers.
  12. The rest of America never paid any attetion to these groups - just like they didn't care about them in 2000.
  13. I tried to vote for you but both the rep & dem observers saw my choice - laughed, crumpled up my ballot and tossed it in the trash.
  14. Gee, seems like I've seen this exact post in like every other thread.
  15. It's fun to see the anti-kerry folk at least squirm for a few minutes.
  16. They see a rabbit and they have to go hunt it instead of voting?
  17. And we all know that exit polls are how the voters think they voted - not how the machines and election boards count them!
  18. Gee, it took 3 minutes to get this post - I expected this remark 10 seconds after this thread went up!
  19. Good to hear that at least in one place the party is thriving beyond retread major party picks.
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