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Everything posted by nobody

  1. 30 years of saving and he gets $10k. Sounds like a 401k.
  2. If it wasn't for France we'd be living in the United Colonies of America.
  3. This is national - WalMart was the first to ban the SA before the others decided they liked the idea as well.
  4. But there is no way the Bills lose to Syracuse so the Bills are still the best NY team.
  5. JP will be starting either against Seattle or, more likely, Miami. He will get some more game time next week.
  6. I agree - McGahee has been a key part of giving Drew more time to make a play. Drew didn't have quite as much time against NE as he did the previous 2 games and it showed with the picks.
  7. Anyone who doesn't follow your beliefs to the tee must be a lefty huh?
  8. So rip on someone for trying without trying yourself. nice.
  9. I don't see how he will be able to stay in the limelight enough to run in 08. Join a political talk show on fox?
  10. And everyone told us how they would fix the economy where? Or perhaps they really think the economy is perfect? What does Kerry have anything to do with this? Move on already - we're talking about the economy not some past election.
  11. What - do you believe govt numbers?
  12. Give a real answer and it gets kinda quiet. I'm sure there will be a f-you type post eventually.
  13. That figure is the national average - it includes all living women today (people born before today also.) People born today will live longer then someone born in 1980 or 1960 or 1940 etc. so their average lifespan will be higher then the national average.
  14. No - you only need to own a timber company that made $87
  15. See but then you have to get 2 of those $8 jobs to make do - which means there are 2 new jobs to count in the national numbers.
  16. Funny how Arnold supported and help to win the proposition for 3billion for stem-cell research - thought that was more of a democratic idea.
  17. Of course at some point walmart will have to increase their prices as the dollar tanks more and more against other currencies - all of those foreign made imported good will cost more to buy.
  18. I've thought of a slogan for GB to use for the Middle East in his quest to democratize. Vote or Die
  19. ICE - your compasionate conservatism doesn't fly on this list! If you are not on the far right you are labeled a liberal.
  20. Perhaps his death, when it occurs, will help lead to a free democratic Palestinian state soon.
  21. Maybe he should have picked Kucinich?
  22. I don't play in sand.
  23. But remember that the Skins were beat by G.B. so Bush had an out from this "curse."
  24. Since the govt keeps reducing NPRs budget they have to hire PPP listers to do the analysis.
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