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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I don't think they ever count to find out who voted but didn't pick a presidential choice. Until the choice "none of the above" is listed on the ballot (and is publicized so people know that choice is an option) my argument stands.
  2. But that would cut down the cost of social security.
  3. I'll take his money. Or GBs for that matter.
  4. Greenspan is retiring after '05 - who cares what he thinks anymore!
  5. Did it bring back too many flashbacks?
  6. You are making an assumption that those 100 million wanted to vote for one of the candidates running. I am adding the variable that many of those 100 million did not want to vote for any of the choices which changes the parameters. As far as primaries go - what percentage of people voted there - 20 %? (I don't have the actual figure.) So kerry was the lesser of 10 and bush was the lesser of 10 and then bush was the lesser of 2. That's inspiring.
  7. Maybe if "none of the above" was an option on the ballots more people would vote.
  8. Luckily - the Asian countries like china, korea, etc. keep their currencies stable to the US dollar so their goods don't cost more to import. Because of this the trade deficit will not be decreased.
  9. 58+ million voted bush, 54 million voted kerry. That's 112+ million out of the nearly 220 million of eligible voters. 100 million people voted for none of the above. Neither party ever has a mandate.
  10. Rivera found Kerry's comments in Al Capone's secret vault.
  11. Where's this economic growth? (not including government jobs in the equation) More jobs at less pay kinda evens out the growth. Even WalMart will reach a saturation point.
  12. I could use that to pay my state taxes! (I don't want to hear any remarks out of you AD on that subject!)
  13. It is a shame what most americans really care about. Too bad the deficit / debt wasn't an issue in the election. (Don't take that as a pro-either side statement - it should be the goal of all political parties, conservatives, liberals, etc. to have budget surpluses.)
  14. If you want to think that way go ahead. Don't infer into what I stated.
  15. No - I was talking about Bush's buddies - not Clintons.
  16. This would be their chance to do it legally!
  17. You're a right wing extremist when it comes to cats.
  18. Currently they are. Nevertheless, his buddies have deep pockets which get fuller everyday.
  19. I'm actually expecting that Bush will have the first presidential library to cost $1 billion.
  20. That is done so they can have their holiday sales begin before thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!
  21. Right - he took over kmart after they went into bankruptcy. Shares of kmart are back up over $100.
  22. Ross Tucker started the Pats game at left guard but shared playing time with Lawrence Smith. Tucker is a good run blocker, but Smith might be a better pass blocker. "Each guy does one thing better," Mularkey said. "Depending on the situation or even by how we play in the quarter, we're just giving them an opportunity. They're both in my mind starters on the offensive line." Above from Buff News article. The Bills have 2 starting LGs, 2 startng RBs, 3 starting WRs, 2 starting LDEs. Maybe soon 2 starting QBs. This is getting insane! Is it an ego thing? Mularky doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings? Didn't Gregg Williams get ripped around here for having set packages of players for certain situations that the opposing teams could figure out what type of play was going to happen?
  23. Why would anyone want to give up a top spot in the federal govt to go run NY?
  24. Trying to start up the arms race again?
  25. That marine needed to shoot the imbedded reporter first.
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