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Everything posted by nobody

  1. All dominant powers in the history of the world have their rise and then their fall. It is just a matter of time before another power becomes #1. (Of course I hope that doesn't happen in my lifetime!)
  2. Not that medicare and medicaid are any better programs at saving taxpayers money. Sure, they might save a state money but all that means is that the state passes on the costs to the counties and cities. Scrap it all!
  3. Isn't that why god created the geek?
  4. When did dolphin fans learn how to read?
  5. Maybe someday bush and the rest of the republicans can get back to this philosophy rather then their current idea of continuing to make it larger and larger. I'm all for less govt, fewer govt mandates and less taxation.
  6. OK maybe you 2 need to have a contest! How about KRC makes a criticism about Limbaugh, etc. and then Mickey has to make a criticism or Moore, etc. Keep going until someone can't come up with something against "their side." This could takes months.
  7. Just aboot like americans do!
  8. Your comment just gave a perfect example of what the "ugly american" term means. Quite interesting. Luckily for europeans, with the dollar falling faster than an anchor, less and less of the ugly americans can afford to go visit europe.
  9. Seems like I've seen this thread before. At the time I made a comment that the 1st lady's job is to throw nice dinner parties. I think that is what the 81% also believe. I guess you can add that they should give a good photo op when they are visiting some sick kids in the hospital. I wonder how Bill's dinner parties will be - going to have to put in a big grill in the rose garden for the BBQ.
  10. I wouldn't say the 2 parties are equal in competency - each one has their strengths and weaknesses. You have to add all the other smaller parties to get the best possible options for the govt if you are looking for the ideal. But in terms of the machine and spin - it is a non-contest.
  11. I don't think the Euro will ever be more of a 1-world currency then the dollar ever was. The devalued dollar is the result of US govt policy. They wanted this to occur. While it makes US goods more affordable in Europe it does little else. The asian countries (like china) continue to keep their currencies at a static level with the dollar which means it still is cheaper to import the asian goods into to US then to produce them here. That means the trade deficit continues to increase.
  12. Luckily for Canadians their dollar is gaining strength as the US dollar falls.
  13. One way is to call it a tax simplification, another way is to call it a tax increase. If papa bush would have just spun his increases as tax simplification maybe he would have been reelected.
  14. Doesn't really matter that much how dumb a person is when the political machine runs as smoothly as it did for the republicans. That's a well-oiled machine they have there.
  15. Kinda like the guy the republicans put up. Sorry - hate replies that say the same thing as the original comment. /dev/null started this with the kerry joke. I replied with the bush joke. Then you replied with the kerry joke so now I reply with the bush joke. This can get repetitive!
  16. Based on the article - there is not a rule against gay clergy but a rule against being a practicing homosexual. Quite different.
  17. I keep falling for their act!
  18. A hooters girl driving a saturn? What was the other guy doing when you were doing all the work - comforting her?
  19. That's just plain sick.
  20. No - it means I thought all you PPPs were intelligent about politics. Oops - my mistake!
  21. Thanks blzrul - didn't think it was unusual just wanted to know typical numbers.
  22. Does the term "I don't want to have to figure it out! " have no meaning?
  23. At least you agree that Bush is also an idiot.
  24. I'll credit a lot of the additional time Drew has to the blocking of McGahee. Every game you can see a couple of blocks he puts on the blitzer to give Drew that extra second to get the ball off. These plays help to increase Drews confidence as the games go on.
  25. You could have been the mayor by now.
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