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Everything posted by nobody

  1. In essence isn't that what makes America what it is? The majority taking steps to ensure the minority is fairly treated.
  2. He should also keep his pants on.
  3. Didn't Titanic win many awards? We're not talking quality here - we're talking winning awards.
  4. To get a top 10 pick in the 2nd round for TH would be very nice indeed.
  5. It made a lot of money.
  6. "democracy", "dictatorship" - it all seems the same nowadays.
  7. Delaware isn't a real state so he doesn't count.
  8. Dogs are smarter then people since I've never seen a dog that can't swin. Also the person is more likely to cause you to drown when you try to save them if they are panicking.
  9. Be the 1st pick in the draft or stay in college? What to do, what to do?
  10. I hope someone is still looking for the fountain of youth.
  11. (This is not directed at you AD since I know you are not in favor of either party.) You won. Now move on.
  12. Technically, in the broad scope of the term, that is true. I think generally when people speak of illegal aliens they are talking about undocumented people who have entered the U.S. illegally (ex. mexicans crossing the boarder illegally to seek work.) The terrorists were nonimmigrant overstays - violating their visas by staying beyond the expiration date. But yes, that would make them illegal aliens as well.
  13. Didn't most, if not all, of them have visas?
  14. Well why don't you just accept the fact it is just another tax that you do not get back and agree to never accept any benefits from it in the future.
  15. Teachers do need to make more money - the difficult part is to make sure it does not go to administrators.
  16. I think we need to bring back the Whig Party.
  17. What was the name of the woman he had an affair with?
  18. Does anyone know what percentage of jobs in the US are unionized?
  19. I would guess that pennant has some monetary value to it.
  20. You are giving the dems too much credit. Currently they are not being driven by religious ideology but that is the trend when you listen to their leaders.
  21. It's a great read about how the Bills won 4 straight super bowls! (See- it's good to be delusional!)
  22. Actually that is all the govt cares about now - passing standardized tests. It's not about teaching and learning anymore - it's about memorizing enough of the standardized test to be able to say they know something.
  23. --dummycrats what ever happened to being a uniter not a divider? --When was the last time that they initiated any meaningful reform of a social program or introduced one meaningful new program? Wasn't it the dems who created most of the social programs like SS? --any and every time a leader like GWB has taken the inititive to fix something like this or make meaningful change he has been met with enormous resistance. It is just the way of things. Thats why such men are referred to as LEADERS...they lead. Didn't clinton try to fix the healthcare industry? (Do not bring up how he tried to do it or if his idea was any good or not - I'm just talking about taking a initiative to fix something. Whether you like it or not is not the issue here.) As far as investing etc. Ever read Bill Fleckenstein? (He's a rep by the way.) http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/P93628.asp
  24. Let's hope israel is serious about the peace plan also.
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