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Everything posted by nobody

  1. The Oneidas are just upset that they will have more competition.
  2. Being forced to NOT breath in 2nd hand smoke - that's funny! Help! I'm being forced to breath clean air! My lungs can't take all this oxygen!
  3. Just shows what a great job TD did for the Bills with the Price deal.
  4. Don't know if it really backfired - he got plenty of extra attention by this action. Sales of the movie were not going to increase because it would have that sticker saying "best documentary" on it like other movies have in the past. He and his movies are beyond that level now (whether you like them or not isn't an issue.) There is only ever one spot, if any, for a non-major studio film in that category and Sideways got the vote this time.
  5. Hey - this is america - use spanish.
  6. Let's not forget that Pataki, while obviously no neo-con, is not a dem either. I think in most cases the smoking issue does not fall into strict dem v rep sides. States on both sides have enjoyed the money they have gotten out of the tobacco industry settlements.
  7. I think as the years go by this is the only type of understanding that students (and the uneducated rest of america) can grasp. We have become a soundbite society.
  8. Exactly. Every party has their extremists.
  9. How do you solve the problem of increased taxes?
  10. This is why everyone should use reusable hemp fabric bags.
  11. I think most presidents have done something in their personal or professional life that they needed to hide or was covered up (ex. in the past many presidents had affairs but the press of the time did not spend every waking minute talking about it - nor would congress.) But in todays america there is almost, you can say, a moral extremism going on. A "you better be an ideal even if we're not" thinking.
  12. You forgot to mention FOX news.
  13. The guillotine is a very effective and speedy way to execute a person. Nothing wrong with it.
  14. It means they like their version of football better then american football. I think also the NFL had some say in consolidating the league mostly into germany to save on travel cost.
  15. Do you give outstanding performance reviews to people who spend time during their workday writing on message boards?
  16. It does show you that labeling leads to polarization which breeds hatred.
  17. Let's not forget that one of the villiage people was a construction worker. Gotta keep an eye on Bob there - does he have a buddy named Neil?
  18. giant douche gets my vote. middle america is only smart enough to listen to the soundbytes.
  19. Maybe the networks were using a 2 minute delay in case a wardrobe malfunction happened.
  20. I would guess the number is pretty low. But it's only a couple decades old - give it time! But I do believe in separation of chuch & state. Keep the crosses, stars of david, etc. off of the white house. Keep them on the places of worship and in private homes.
  21. Shouldn't right be in quotes? We all should try to be more "uniters" rather then "dividers".
  22. Facts? Who needs facts nowadays? The govt & media have taken facts out of the picture. It's all "we have reason to believe" this & "unconfirmed reports say" that.
  23. I don't know why they don't bring back public hangings. Nowadays you could sell tickets and have pay per view for it. It would add a lot of money to state budgets.
  24. Hard to move on huh?
  25. Isn't that what kwanza is for?
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