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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Most community colleges don't have people living on campus so all those students would be gone from that area when it was time to go drinking.
  2. No wonder american cars suck - if you keep tightening bolts you will strip the screws.
  3. That's why I also think they should bring back public hangings. States are missing out on a ton of money they could get from pay per view execution.
  4. Thanks for the report. Nothing amazing there to me (though I'm not a limp-wristed linguini-spined liberal.) I don't care who comes up with the solution - be it the oil companies, the department of defense, nasa, whoever. As long as it is a real long-term solution. And it would be even better if it saves us money in the end!
  5. Bring back the gladiator games? If the probability of death is at stake then they deserve the money!
  6. I'm looking at it from a broader perspective. As in using an item for one's benefit - using war as a tool. And of course one groups anti allows the selling of a pro and vice versa.
  7. Yeah, I forgot we are all using flying cars already. I'm not saying don't spend any money on space exploration - I'm all in favor of it. But solving the world's dependency on oil is NOT thinking short term.
  8. Be the reports biased for it or against it the media is selling it. If it gets them ratings they will use it.
  9. Most teachers are underpaid - as are most non-teachers. But now if we are talking about the top supervisors / administrators / presidents / ceos / whatevers - then we can talk about being overpaid. And why should the entertainment industry make so much money I'll never know.
  10. Not that we should bring up such dead issues but: Clinton was acquitted on the two articles of impeachment (perjury and obstruction of justice.) So legally speaking he did not perjur himself. Nixon resigned before the house voted on impeachment so we will never know if an impeachment trial would have occured. Though I doubt that the senate would have found him guilty.
  11. I never stated that immigrants are coming over specifically for SS. But if they become citizens and get jobs then they will be eligible for it when they retire. And then back to the rest of what I said - if those jobs they get are low paying then they will need to rely more on whatever SS benefits they get. The world is not black or white / all or nothing. You shouldn't generalize so much or assume that others are.
  12. Poor decision making?
  13. He'll probably end up in some country club prison where he'll only be allowed 1 hour a day to play golf.
  14. You don't believe in making as much money as you can?
  15. Nowadays you can't judge where a car is made by it's brand name. "Foreign" cars are made in the US, "US" cars are made overseas. Let's not even bring up what companies own other companies.
  16. They'd probably think it said KFC and they would go to lunch.
  17. Of course that used to mean reporting the facts in a unbiased way. Not something you see much of in today's media. (And no - I am not saying that all media in the past was unbiased.)
  18. Geography is a hard subject.
  19. Drilling the Alaska oil is only a very short term answer. The world's consumption of oil is increasing dramatically due to 3rd world countries and china. The world's supply of oil will begin to decrease in the relatively near future. Rather then say trying to spend billions to get people to Mars - I'd rather see that money spent on creating new energy sources.
  20. If I was in charge I wouldn't be driving through potholeland all the time.
  21. Yeah, because no one is immigrating to the US anymore. Hello? Mcfly?! If you recall - I said we need to add a line to the poem - that would be added today, not in the 19th century.
  22. And my point was that the Bills ST did not have a great game against pittsburgh when Wire did not play.
  23. The Bills ST did not have a great game against pittsburgh. With the removal of Prioleau and the possible removal of Wire from ST I wouldn't be suprised to see the ST rankings go down some next year.
  24. OK - can I use a broad interpretation of the 3rd Amendment to defend the UAW?
  25. What's that "(or affirm)" part? Some kind of appeasement for people who don't like the word swear?
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