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Everything posted by nobody

  1. So you wouldn't mind scraping the income tax system for a national sales tax? Of course the govt would still throw in too many loopholes with any plan they use.
  2. It's not really reversed if you look at where the basis of the congress action lies. It is about right to life. If you are going to fight for a fetus then you have to fight for someone in her condition.
  3. And you'll be able to buy even more items at walmart that are made in china.
  4. Going beyond this specific case - why can there not be a better, legal, way to let a person die then to withhold food and water for potentially up to a month? If all things are equal, in the physical aspect, but you have a living will saying you want to die - you would still be forced to starve to death.
  5. I don't know the original court case, but was the money he won in the trial for her medical support or for his suffering?
  6. If a person in her state can be stimulated to laugh (intentional or not) then that same person can be stimulated to feel pain. The fact that the "higher order" parts of the brain are not working and all that remains is the core brain should not imply that a person doesn't feel or isn't still a person.
  7. And BOTH were dumped by the Bills. Too bad the US couldn't dump both too.
  8. It's all related. You have to change how people pay, how much people pay, how much the govt gets, what the govt does, what the govt is forced to do by the feds, etc.
  9. I don't see a feeding tube as a "machine" keeping her alive. They could manually put the food into her rather then having a machine do it. So if you have someone who is not physically able to feed themselves then it is OK to let them starve to death now?
  10. Just shows what a community oriented group Ralph and the Bills are.
  11. I'm all in favor of raising the sales tax. As long as they get rid of property tax & school tax.
  12. Not often that they get to show up on ESPN. They take any free TV time they can.
  13. Put me to sleep. Beyond calling liberals nazis was the point: conservatives good, liberals bad?
  14. So, AD, I hear that the Eskimos are none to happy about increasing the current area that is open to oil. They don't mind ANWR being opened up but they do mind expanding the National Petroleum Reserve.
  15. Good news. Now I don't have to worry anymore about the Bills signing him.
  16. Wouldn't it be the Buffalo Bills of Los Angeles?
  17. Boy, I must have missed where I added opinions to the numbers. But my opinion is we need to find an alternative to oil.
  18. Are you trying to start more trouble? I just think that Medicare & Medicaid need more fixing than SS.
  19. Now we're talking about programs that need fixing!
  20. The numbers I've seen: ANWR - total about 10.8 billon barrels will take about 10 years before getting into market will be able to produce 1 million barrels per day US currently use 20 million barrels per day more then half comes from foreign sources
  21. Now the WNYers need to work on getting those school taxes lowered.
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