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Everything posted by nobody

  1. He's too smart to go out when it's snowing.
  2. Thank you! Finally a productive response. See, we all can learn something here rather then just bashing each other. Now the ore and gems may not be enough for the US to care too much but the uranium could have political issues if the "wrong" people are in charge in the congo. Perhaps the US military is too overburdened at the moment to be able to help out. Perhaps the civil war does not change any strategic issues (ex. both sides may be pro-US - or at least not anti-US). Sounds like the main issue the UN is dealing with is disease and hunger. Maybe more aid could be sent. The UN has 4k troop there, the African Union plans to send 7-10k troop soon.
  3. Has everyone calculated to see if they owe more tax to the feds?
  4. Why does everyone on the right assume that anyone that has an opinion other then theirs is on the left. I could have just as easily wrote: what natural resource or strategic/political significance does the Congo have? Like it or not, contries get involved in other contries affairs primarily for some beneficial reason rather then just out of the goodness of their heart. And no, those benefits might not trickle down to the general public.
  5. But all US flags that are being disposed of are supposed to be burned.
  6. A.J. Smith has done a tremendous job as GM.
  7. That never made sense to me as a reason. Why would farmers care what time it was? - they worked from sunrise to sunset; not 9 to 5.
  8. Isn't that the usual method the US (and other contries that sell arms) uses - sell an item to someone's enemy which might inspire the other country to purchase as well.
  9. How much oil does the Congo produce?
  10. Brewery Ommegang in NY is fully owned by a Belgian beer company.
  11. But you have to find one that is staffed with monkeys.
  12. Except for looting and vandalism after championship games (win or lose) American sports fans are very civil fans. Riots occur quite often during soccer events throughout the world.
  13. Maybe they needed to have the college education first so they would have learned how to read a contract.
  14. In terms of oil - Production capacity is much less so the supply will last much longer then compared to total current usage. I'd guess in terms of natural gas the same holds true.
  15. I think it might be time to pull the feeding tube from this thread.
  16. Isn't that the argument that right-to-lifers have used against abortion?
  17. Congress turned this into a right-to-life vs constitutional right issue. Luckily all the courts have spoken against congress.
  18. When's the last time you heard about the terror threat level color alert thingy?
  19. Generally you will find that these payouts occur throughout the US (ex. gas co puts a well on your property to tap natural gas deposit) - but they are paid to the indvidual property owner rather then every person in the state.
  20. I bet cleveland would like some of the Bills 1st rounders.
  21. I would first check to see which students were absent from school.
  22. But now we are talking about a legal document. If a legal document exists then following someone's wishes is following the law. If she had a living will stating her wishes then I also agree they should be followed. In this case there was no living will but the courts have ruled that they agree her husband has the right to decide for her so that is how it should be followed. What I don't like is how they are going about following those wishes. Starving someone to death (no matter what their brain condition is in) is inhumane.
  23. I think I recall hearing the state troopers refusing to increase patrols or the number of troopers they station in EC.
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