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Everything posted by nobody

  1. He doesn't want to shake things up - he wants to cut them down at the knees. Anyone that Bush nominates would not be a limp-wristed UN panderer (a limp-wristed Bush panderer maybe.)
  2. I got a bunch of them to comment on my post. Usually my little comments are ignored so I must have hit on some nerve this time.
  3. Let's not forget: less cats = more rats/mice. I guess we're due for another plague outbreak. Also, many of the birds out there are non-native species from europe.
  4. That'll teach him for buying a matching set of luggage.
  5. But isn't that how the virus spreads?
  6. Yelling that here is like yelling "there's a chicken in the chicken coop!"
  7. Lugar's a rep & Kerry's a dem. Both mentioned Fulton Armstrong. {National Intelligence Officer for Latin America: Fulton Armstrong, previously Chief of Staff of the DCI Crime and Narcotics Center (CNC). Prior to that, he served two terms as a Director for Inter-American Affairs at the National Security Council (1995-97 and 1998-99) and as Deputy NIO for Latin America (1997-98). In 1980 he was Legislative Assistant and Press Secretary to US Rep. Jim Leach. In 1984-95, he served as analyst, political-economic officer, and manager specializing in Latin America in the both the intelligence and policy communities. } Sounds like bipartisanship to me.
  8. And writing a book that has a potential 1 billion audience isn't a bad idea.
  9. I heard they were having sex with squirrels.
  10. On the state level the greens were gaining ground but the national Nader event did indeed hurt them. And KRC - being a former presidential candidate - you should be above name-calling. Calling dems "dims" probably cost you the election.
  11. The additonal fake info about Bush's air national guard service was also a non-story since it wan't needed to add to the already truthful info out there. But that got people talking. One group throws out misleading info to the public to get people to believe one way or the other.
  12. That's why you also need to give your power of attorney (or whatever it is called) to someone.
  13. I prefer more light after work then before work.
  14. They have these giant mirrors they put in space which catch the suns rays and reflect them towards areas that are dark. Haven't you seen James Bond?
  15. You need to get a federal research grant to figure out how to get input and output of PPP information in your brain as you sleep.
  16. If they build it with a retractable roof then they could play the Super Bowl in Buffalo.
  17. You said they vote with the left. I just pointed out that in the last election they voted with the right.
  18. I recall hearing that more catholics voted for Bush than Kerry.
  19. What he said was he did not have "sexual relations" with that woman. The term "sexual relations" was defined by the lawyers on both sides of the issue. It had a very narrow definition that did not include oral sex. And what percent of kids are really paying attention to what happens in politics? Are they following that more then say what their favorite movie and music stars are doing?
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