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Everything posted by nobody

  1. He really didn't take the picture because he had the same outfit on.
  2. Just don't have your tech support outsourced to India.
  3. On the robbed theme: Reducing the budget deficit is like a robber saying there going to take your wallet but let you keep your watch. We're all still losing out. How about a budget surplus again?
  4. Slowly veering? I think he took a hard turn awhile ago. He comes to Buffalo so often since he got one of his best vote tallies there - 10 votes.
  5. And Justice's blinfold is being used to shine his shoes.
  6. Since the wealthiest 1% pay a lot less tax now then they did recently of course the tax freedom day comes earlier. And from the article: the internet bubble boosted tax collections to artificially high levels.
  7. Then you should get on the case of some of these Kerry haters also. He's not president so why bring him up all the time (especially when no lefty has.) A con-Bush comment is not neccessarily a pro-Kerry comment. Back to the subject - I'm glad to see Bush either change his mind some or admit he wasn't involved with the plan for passports. On the other hand I also have no issue with showing a passport. Show a drivers license, show a passport it all takes the same time.
  8. Wouldn't be suprised if by then NYS makes you pay a toll to leave the state.
  9. Hiroshima? Never happened. The glorious US flew a plane over Japan with a banner saying "surrender now!" and the cowardly japanese were so frigtened that they threw their weapons into the sea.
  10. Well if it is a material girl era madonna then maybe that has value. But I don't think a kaballah(sp? who cares?) era madonna would sell.
  11. Isn't it a sin to receive communion but not eat it?
  12. From the gallup site: April 12, 2005 Bush Job Approval at 50% Most measures of national satisfaction remain stable after dropping last month by Jeffrey M. Jones A new Gallup Poll shows a slight recovery in George W. Bush's job approval rating after hitting a low of 45% a few weeks ago during the height of the Terri Schiavo controversy. Other measures of national satisfaction appear to have stabilized at lower levels than where they were earlier this year. There has been some change in Americans' assessment of the most important problem facing the country, as people have become more concerned about gas prices and less concerned about the Iraq war, though the latter issue remains atop the list.
  13. Then why do his critics need to come up with alternatives? Since he is still in the process there is no reason to come up with alternatives. I guess you wouldn't think about who would be in your staff until after you were elected president since there is no need to think in hypotheticals.
  14. First I think Japan should apologize. Just as the vatican has apologized for not helping the Jewish community during WWII. But I hope no one thinks that Japan is the only country to whitewash their history in their favor.
  15. Yes, I'm director of the FCC. Federal Cowbell Commission. So watch out how you use that cowbell or I'll fine you.
  16. I just gave you some alternatives. You might not like them but alternatives they are. OK - how about this question: If bolton were to decide to pull his name from nomination because he decides to take a job in the private sector, who else would you like to see Bush nominate?
  17. 3 deviate from the real topic posts about my post. Nice. Thanks for actually talking about the subject Campy. The control that opec has on oil prices is insane. They do not produce the majority of oil and all they ever do is talk about an increase or decrease of a small percentage which make prices go all over the board. Last year $162 billion dollars left the US and landed in China (that was the trade surplus.) China is also the 2nd biggest holder of U.S. Treasuries (after Japan). An interesting idea that Bush supports is turning old oil platforms in the ocean into fish farms. $7 billion in the overall trade deficit is from seafood. More US fish means a little less trade deficit and more jobs.
  18. Good to know that most of my comments aren't considered "really stupid". Let me make another "really stupid" one: Kerry lost but people sure do like to still attack everything he does.
  19. Let's all joke about a $61B record trade deficit! I keep forgetting the republican method of if you can't defend something either change the subject or attack the messenger.
  20. Sanders isn't majority leader so no it will not get as much press. And from the article: Jim Barrett, chairman of the Vermont Republican Party, admitted that the $65,000 earned by Driscoll over four years "almost sounds low." I think Delay paid his family members much more over a shorter time frame. Let me add - I don't care if family members are paid staff members - just don't over-do it. Pay them the same as any other staff member.
  21. I'm no expert on who else would want the job. How about James Baker or Colin Powell? Why don't you give me a list to choose from?
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