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Everything posted by nobody

  1. The guy who owns the violin is 36 - she's 20. I think he's been expecting some gratitude from her all along.
  2. Funny how it is pretty much the same article except for the quote I mentioned.
  3. No - Benedict is a "continuation" of JPII since their ideas are the same so he doesn't have to be the pope of olives.
  4. I think they have a contract with a middle eastern company to recycle them.
  5. Sorry - I only read articles from foxnews. If they did the crime they should do the time. Well in the case of congress it would be if they did the crime they should pay the fine. Of course it sounds like Hastert has been protecting others as well in the past: "Kanjorski's controversial ties to the companies nearly resulted in House GOP leaders filing ethics charges against him in 2002. Hastert quashed the effort when Democrats threatened to file ethics charges of their own against Republicans"
  6. He had to - the pizza shop was having a bury one let one go free sale.
  7. Great choice, Too bad that he still has to listen to Rumsfeld.
  8. While others might say a warped view on reality.
  9. Now, now. I'm sure we agree on many things. It's just we come at them from different angles - you being high in the trees and me being on level ground!
  10. And that actual knowledge could lead to republicans finding their leader broke the rules. I'm glad to see this. I would also be glad to see dems do the same thing if a dem was in charge. I think it is uncommon in todays political world for any group to do the right thing rather then just sidestep these issues. Is "paste-eating masses" the new "hot pockets"?
  11. I think what they are doing is worse then running away. They are not trying to defend him or just avoiding the topic - they are investigating him.
  12. You didn't really just put Tubbs and DeLay on an equal level did you? I'd think the dems would gladly give up Tubbs if DeLay goes too.
  13. 2006 TV contracts are up 50% so the cap will go up a good amount.
  14. Isn't he also involved trying to write a bill that prevents the courts from interpreting laws?
  15. The ACLU will defend anyone who they think has a right under the Constitution. That could include pro-gun groups, the kkk, flag-burning, etc.
  16. If they would just install microchips into all of us they would be able to use a system like EZ pass to scan us as we drove over the boarder.
  17. Passport - not required yet. But you do need identification (drivers license/ birth certificate.) If you have a passport just bring it. Dog - rabies certificate, tags, pooper scooper - canada likes to keep it clean.
  18. Why would they have given him a 4th year anyway? I would have fired him at the end of last season with that record.
  19. Because he knows you only drink beer and harder stuff - not wine.
  20. The Bills did the better trade since last years talent was better than this years.
  21. Kerry needed to stop listening to his "advisors".
  22. The problem is the ones abusing the bankruptcy rules are not maxing out their credit cards to survive - they are bilking money from people and use bankruptcy to not have to pay back the people - not credit card companies.
  23. I can imagine that CNN/ FOXnews etc. will be debating for hours what color the smoke really is and what it means in terms of who will get elected. 'Well Bill I see a hint of cocoa color in the smoke which leads me to believe that the S.American cardinal has an edge in votes right now.'
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