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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Way to go Andre! Congrats!
  2. I think you'll see the RNC metioning Moore more often then the DNC will.
  3. A Federal Election Commission spokesman said congressmen can pay parking tickets and other expenses from campaign funds if they are "campaign-related," United Press International reports. Looking at the FEC site I guess that falls under: 9034.10 Expenditures for qualified campaign expenses by multicandidate political committees.
  4. That's right there is only liberal groupthink - no conservative groupthink. I keep forgetting. This story, as far as I can tell, so far has only been reported in the college newspaper. I wouldn't call that national attention.
  5. Don't you really mean to say that the protester would be front page news since the media is pure liberal?
  6. Well I did a search on foxnews.com and I don't see this AC story there. I guess they don't think it is a big deal either.
  7. Why don't we all just reread the billion threads that have already been done on this same issue.
  8. Damn liberal media.
  9. Didn't we see this same process in back to the future?
  10. People on this list will be like OPEC. Oh wait, you didn't say BS.
  11. What the US should have done when they found him in his hole was string up some razor wire and let him stay there.
  12. So perhaps the Bush plan will allow you to personally invest your money in US treasuries?
  13. I had one of those recorded political message to urge me to call my congressmen to support the Bush SS plan.
  14. Over the years I've also heard conservatives say - The American people do not want the liberal Democratic agenda forced down their throats. Just depends on who is power at the time. Though the republicans are experts at also using a version of that comment while they are in power. They are the political pros.
  15. I hope that means something beyond spending the money on the the oil industry.
  16. Don't you want him to suffer a few more years?
  17. I agree. It is one thing to comment on the idea of private accounts, but making it seem to younger people that Bush is going to create a system that will allow them all to retire when they are 50 is just stupid until you see his plan.
  18. AC was developed in NY - the Carrier Corp.
  19. Not to mention other representatives defending the plan.
  20. Aren't we still waiting for the 'Bush plan' to be introduced in congress?
  21. It's those second mortgages that will kill you.
  22. Southeast Regional Cooling, Heating and Power and Bio-Fuel Application Center It's a center where they fill out applications to get money for Cooling, Heating and Power and Bio-Fuel for the southeast region.
  23. They're all poiticians so they're all the same in the grand scheme. Can you really slander politicians? Don't they need a good name and reputation to be slandered?
  24. From that article: "It's odd that Howard Dean says he wants to earn the respect of those who live in the red states, but chooses to not only attack their views but attack them personally," RNC spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt said. Sounds to me like he is attacking the politicos - not the citizens as Schmitt is trying to make it out.
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