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Everything posted by nobody

  1. Seems like the D may have peaked and is now on the decline. Having Pat and Sam the last few years probably slowed the runners down enough that the linebackers had an easier time stopping them. Now the runners are blasting through so when they hit the linebackers they are going full speed and can't be stopped as easily.
  2. Maybe he is still addicted to 15 year olds.
  3. One thing that I think I noticed is that Vick always had one of his chin straps not fully snaped while playing. Makes the helmet pop off a little easier.
  4. This went beyond elasticity. But I'm no economist. Let's try a little math. Say we begin with 100 units costing 2.5 values per unit = 250 values. Let's say there are 3 components P, S & G to that value per unit. P makes 1.5 values per unit for a total of 150 values (1.5 * 100) S makes .5 values per unit for a total of 50 values and G makes .5 values per unit for a total of 50 values. Now say the total units falls to 85. But P, S & G still want to make their same total values. So now we have: P makes 1.77 values per unit for a total of 150 values (1.77 * 85) S makes .59 values per unit for a total of 50 values and G makes .59 values per unit for a total of 50 values. 1.77 + .59 +.59 = 2.95 values per unit. That appears to be a 20% increase in value per unit - not 40%.
  5. At least the WSJ knows there is only one true NY team.
  6. Stock up on gas before you go.
  7. The media is already talking about $4 or $5 gallon. Once the talk starts the oil companies know they can raise their prices to those levels any time they want. Katrina caused an immediate decrease in gas production of 15% but prices went up over 40%. After a few days half the production was back up so overall total production has only been down by about 7% since that time but gas prices are still about 30% above pre-Katrina prices. Texas refines about 25% I think I heard. So I guess the oil industry will think they can raise prices 67%.
  8. Too bad Losman just didn't run to his left on that safety. With the overstack on the right there would have been a little more room for him to at least have another second to throw the ball away.
  9. The Bills are tied for 1st in the division. Not going to worry just yet.
  10. I'm sure there were times but I can't remember any times where they let Willis run on 1st and 2nd downs. I thought there was a plan to stick with the run even when the other team was keying on it.
  11. At least we got to see the sweet throwbacks again. Could there be the slightest chance the Bills are fooling us and actually have switched to them full time? I doubt it but it is hopeful thinking. I think the network showed the cheerleaders a bit more then usual. That was a plus.
  12. When did Watertown, NY get a NFL team? (see picture at sirius)
  13. No. Let's see - Matt in DC says there were about 3-4 times the Bills went on 4th or punted. Let's take that number 4. So the Bills attempted 28 FGs last year. Add those other 4 to get a possible 32. A 75% kicker would have been good on 24 kicks, a 70% kicker would have been good on 22.4 (will round up to 23). Last year Lindell made 24. So the 75% kicker would have missed those 4 extra kicks which would have given the opposing team better field position. Oh - and the Bills would have lost at least 1 extra point in your scheme.
  14. Last year Lindell would have been 3-5 from 40+ but Mularkey called TO a split second before the snap.
  15. Sadly for all you cat haters out there - the part about using cats was a lie. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/9339530/ Christian Koch, an inventor and patent holder of the “KDV 500” that he said produces high quality fuel, said he can transform waste products such as paper, rubbish and plastic materials into fuel. But Koch, 55, said there was no truth to stories published in Bild newspaper on Tuesday and Wednesday that suggested he used dead cats as part of the mix for his organic diesel fuel. “I use paper, plastics, textiles and rubbish,” Koch told Reuters. “It’s an alternative fuel that is friendly for the environment. But it’s complete nonsense to suggest dead cats. I’ve never used cats and would never think of that. At most the odd toad may have jumped in.”
  16. Every time they tried to cut him his name magically disappeared from the cut list.
  17. So all you NO ticket holders - hop on your life raft and start paddling to NJ. Also nice of the NFL to give them a 3 hour head start to get the tickets - will the smoke signals requesting tickets make it to whoever needs to know before the Giants fans start calling in?
  18. The one problem with an NFL-E kicker is that the last part of the year his leg will be shot. Remember Moorman's first year his leg was wearing out at the end of the season. Not the best thing to happen to your kicker.
  19. So is this also a move that allows the team to get rid of Teague after this year?
  20. MSG bought Empires contract - they will show the same number of games. If you live in Buffalo, Roch or Syracuse and your cable provider has MSG then you should get the Sabres regional feed. Elsewhere you would get the Rangers feed from MSG. There is supposed to be a post-game show - not HH but something.
  21. They know all the other teams are really going to key on Willis this year. That forces JP into more throwing situations and he will make mistakes.
  22. This tragedy really could have created a large amount of goodwill between the US and countries that have been on not so friendly terms. Perhaps it still will even if the US does not accept the offers for assistance.
  23. I think you will see one or two more big storms hitting the US this year. Mostly FL of course - perhaps TX. But really the chance of another one hitting the NO area is slim. Luckily for NO they do not get that many storms.
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