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Everything posted by nobody

  1. I wonder if Mularkey decided to take the Miami job after he found out the Bills were hiring Jauron. Figuring that is two easy wins for next season.
  2. At least TD picked coaches off of teams with winning records. (Not that it helped.)
  3. Because Jauron has dealt with losing when he has little talent to work with before?
  4. And GHW Bush. Oh - and Dick Cheney actually went to Yale but left after about 2 months.
  5. He's tried the young QB route before and it didn't work. He'll go with the experience this time just like Marv will tell him.
  6. Sherman keeping an eye on the offense or a losing QB coach given his first chance to be an OC. Great choice there Marv.
  7. Losman will not be the starter under Jauron. I'd expect that they will bring in another veteran QB to compete with Holcomb.
  8. At least all of the veteran players who sucked last season will be happy that they can control their HC.
  9. I'd rather have had James Lofton been hired as HC then Jauron.
  10. Jauron is a defensive guy and yet his defenses as HC and DC have, for the most part, been in the bottom half or worse. (His offenses have been even worse when he was HC.) I'm expecting a 2-14 season coming up.
  11. Just going to use your post, Tortured Soul, as a good base. I also prefer Sherman over Jauron. Sherman made the playoffs 4 of 6 years Jauron made the playoffs 1 of 6 years (and lost that 1 game) So Sherman beat teams coached by Jauron? Sherman is a offensive guy and his offenses have ranked pretty high - for the most part in the top half or better. (His defenses have also been in the top half mostly as well.) Jauron is a defensive guy and yet his defenses as HC and DC have for the most part been in the bottom half or worse. (His offenses have been even worse.)
  12. If I recall, it is Ralph's wife that has the blue Bills logoed PT Cruiser. But why should Ralph have some fancy car in Buffalo? He drives it from the airport to the stadium and back and then it sits there until he comes back into town.
  13. You're not going to see Coordinators on the Bills that get paid more then the HC. That only leaves the "up and comers" as options.
  14. So we have WGR saying MM is on shaky ground at the meeting while WGRZ says all is well with MM.
  15. That is correct - the Braves franchise was swapped for the Celtics and then the former Celtics became the Clippers.
  16. He treated his boy toy Kato well. Just don't get on his bad side.
  17. Unfortunately, Ralph doesn't have the Pope helping him out like Reagan did.
  18. All I care about is that the Bills continue to hand off to McGahee over 30 times a game. That is the key to the Bills success.
  19. WooHoo the Bills have now played 2 good halves of football on offense this season! Anyone on this list could have played QB and the Bills would have won the game. Actually some passes to the TEs, Peters playing TE, Adams as tackle eligible, turnovers, a ton of Miami penalties and letting McGahee run the ball 31 times. If the Bills coaches would have used that game plan the last 3 weeks the team would at least be tied for 1st in the division right now.
  20. Nice to see a little better play calling on offense this week. Actually using TEs as receivers, using Peters, etc. Maybe they should have tried some of this the last 3 weeks.
  21. Nice to see the offense try some creative plays again - too bad they hadn't done that the last 3 games.
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