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Everything posted by nobody

  1. The Pats will probably add 10 times the amount of rubber pieces then you are supposed to in order to keep the field slow.
  2. Did you demand they bring back the bologna sandwich?
  3. Gotta get a 5th rounder back now.
  4. With 25 Mil in cap space the Bills will be able to sign a couple of actual o-line men.
  5. I've been having no luck the last few days - but I fear my problem is the work firewall. Can people get on now? Can they run the WGR 550 On Demand Audio Vault selections?
  6. Aprils going to have to make sure the players keep an eye out 10 yards down the field for guys waving their hands. Then they have to let the ball hit the ground before they pick it up.
  7. Oh now you just ruined this lovely Clinton bashing thread with reality.
  8. I don't think any one really know what it could become if it ever happens. It could just be an expanded mall or it could be something like what Xanadu was going to be at the Meadowlands in NJ. It could become the largest green based development in the world. It might contains lots of hotels, aquarium, sports and entertainment stadiums, etc. etc.
  9. A pro business article about Hillary. (Yes, it is election time but still...) Clinton blasts Canada on trade barriers http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060929/1042529.asp
  10. Wouldn't we all love it if we could be downtown at 11:30a for an event that probably will be 30-60 minutes and still make it in time to be inside the stadium for the start of the game at 1p? (Yes, I know we all would rather be tailgating at 8am - just saying if you had to be at the event...)
  11. Good - more room for professional sports on ESPN.
  12. What about his usual 'punt early go for it late' statement. I'm pretty sure he usually thinks the end of the 3rd is still early.
  13. It died in 2004. The beginning of the Mike Mularkey era.
  14. What's the "state issued police licence"? If you are a police officer I'm sure it will reduce any troubles you might have with ID.
  15. Clements is gone after this year anyway - the Bills might as well get their money's worth out of him! And of course Parrish misplays the ball - Parrish is a punt returner not a punt catcher.
  16. Wasn't Joe Cribbs in town recently for a tryout?
  17. I guess we'll have to start calling the Steelers: Buffalo-a little bit-South.
  18. If the Bills cut Holcomb and sign Collins will they save any money?
  19. I'm an expert at making threads die on the vine. Good thing that you replied - at least it give the thread a little more life. Of course now I've just killed it again...
  20. "That loss to the Bills really shows that this Patriot team needs Teddy Bruschi back in the lineup fast."
  21. I always think of the Michael Jackson episode on South Park when I see the word ignorant.
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