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Everything posted by Careca

  1. I do appreciate how many folks are happy to explain that beasley never ever gets booed, despite his insistence that the boo'ing from fans is really messing with him.
  2. At a certain point you have to accept that the refs can (and do!) easily determine how any given game goes based solely on what penalties they do and do not call. Personally I just try to make jokes about it when I am watching with folks, but otherwise it has kind of made the sport a lot less interesting for me. Enjoy the camaraderie and whatnot you get from talking about the games... but do not take it too seriously. Otherwise the fact that refs will call penalties that even the announcers are completely mystified by can easily grow to be a real sore spot.
  3. Allen really earning has paycheck this week. Let us hope he keeps it up.
  4. Indeed, the only people that suffer for this are the fans, and even then it is only the ones who people who are allowed in the stadium do not really like.
  5. Exactly. I am glad we can agree that there are gaps in the understanding of the long term safety and efficacy of this treatment. Most people are unwilling to respect that truth and just demand that others accept this experiment. I am glad that there are some folks who are willing to respect that such things are still not fully tested, and that doubt is reasonable to have. Conversely, I totally understand why most feel that the risk is worthwhile for the common good. It is nice to talk to somebody who can see the viewpoint of others even if they disagree with them.
  6. From your link:The global research and development of mRNA vaccines have been prodigious over the past decade, and the work in this field has been stimulated by the urgent need for rapid development of vaccines in response to an emergent disease such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, there remain gaps in our understanding of the mechanism of action of mRNA vaccines, as well as their long-term performance in areas such as safety and efficacy. Fair point, I can agree with that.
  7. *Looks at cathedrals that took 200 years to build* *Looks at modern churches* You are not really a fan of architecture, are you?
  8. Do not feel bad, it seems that many folks are getting the vaccine just to be able to live their lives unrestricted. It is amazing how soft pressures can influence individuals to act in ways they would not otherwise. Fascinating discussion on all sides. I especially like how many people are redefining words to suit their arguments!
  9. I think it is awesome that the community is so involved in this discussion that despite having half the posts removed from the thread twice over two hours we are still over a dozen pages. Keep up the hard work mods! I hope you are compensated well for keeping up with such a challenging task. ❤️
  10. 40 employees x 35$ an hour x 8 hour shifts = $11,200 dollars a week, over the course of a season you would be paying almost 90,000 dollars. For about 1/7th the cost of the salary of the cheapest individual on the team you would be able to make the lives of literally every fan attending the game significantly better, and also pay an amount that would guarantee a significant amount of applicants. IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Sacrificing 1/15,000th of the cost of the new stadium to significantly increase the quality of life for the fans is a burden that is inconceivable!
  11. Well that was quick. Does Newton just retire from here? He isn't that old, and I am sure somebody can use what he brings to the table.
  12. The goal is to expand the audience. That is the reason for a lot of the otherwise baffling decisions they make. The evolution of the commercials played during the game reflect this as well, it is less a matter of trying to sell things to football fans, and more to show what kind, compassionate souls they are. Granted, anyone who thinks about the matter realizes that these are just cynical marketing ploys, but the gamble is that since they are the only game in town it will not matter. Fun fact, straight males are widely considered the least profitable group to market towards, but are also the group that is the most interested in professional sports. Is it a surprise that other groups would be a bigger focus when so much money is on the line?
  13. Last I checked the line had shifted so that Miami was favored to win.
  14. Huh, so this is the point where I officially start feeling bad for Dolphins Fans. I never thought I'd see the day.
  15. So wait, what were the odds for this game again?!
  16. That feels like flagrant overkill. God I miss statements like that.
  17. It is correct, but it is impolite to discuss because some people might get upset? I guess that makes sense, why speak about unfair things if it may make people unhappy?
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