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Everything posted by 1onemangang7

  1. Hypocritical cause you demand answers to questions but don't answer questions. Hypocritical cause you argue that I win games with guys that never played a down in the NFL, then go on and on about Robinson is too good to be available.
  2. No. I based my reply on your theory of his use was to be limited.
  3. Didn't you just say something about winning games with a guy that's never played a down in the NFL? Your hypocrisy is relentless Sure did. They passed. Almost everyone on the board accepted it and didn't wanna hear the criticism. They don't have to get better. The fan base approves.
  4. So that constitutes a bust. Use your 2nd on a guy you're not going to use in the year you're favored to win it all
  5. This guy wins games in the stat sheets. Sees Motsert as a clear 1 when he's no better than Singletary. I'll agree they both run harder than cook.
  6. Parcells tree is defined by the power running game. That's how. Cook would never be on Bellichicks team, Brady was to be protected.
  7. Dorsey worked with what he had. Josh Allen . Blame the gm. You applaud his moves then scape on the oc. I don't need to argue about it. The guy can't carry 25 times a game without breaking down. He's too small. You just don't get it. You wanna pick on an OL that's good enough to make them odds on favorites but no help for the backfield.
  8. Use your narcissistic bs on your family I'm not putting up with your *****. Motsert is in the same mold . You're just an idiot. You don't get it
  9. He was never a rb1 and never will be
  10. Offensive line is pathetic but 5.7 ypc for a guy that can't break arm tackles. ?? Contradictions.
  11. It makes cook your breather, 3rd and forever, he hitter when defenses are worn. You don't answer my questions directly. Look it up. I'm done with you
  12. How is it laughable. You're grading him on ypc. Qbs are graded on qbr. What were his ypc In meaningful games? Against teams with good oypc? His games with 2 rushes and 18 yards to juice his ypc are supposed to impress and waste the quarterbacks years? Your Josh Allen clock is ticking and it ticks faster the more he has the team on his back. Losing is fine for you. Cool. The guy is too small. Parcells says it and you Cook lovers don't argue with him. Allen is playing solitaire
  13. I'm trolling Cook? Lmao. Bust cause you coulda had anybody do his job and you wasted a 2. Why be so proud? So what you made a mistake. Move on. If they have any clue what an NfL running back looks like they can move on.
  14. Ok so you can find qbs with better qb ratings than Allen, like Purdy. How many games you think the Bills win with Purdy at qb? I'd say maybe 1. Defenses cared so much about Cook he's got your dumb ass fooled. Trung Candidate had a fine career with nearly 5 ypc. Seriously doubt he is going to Canton. No offense but your arguments show your lack of knowledge.
  15. They obviously have an affinity for the smaller types and want to put the burden on 17. I'd guess Deuce Vaughn is in their sights.
  16. Cook is a bust. It happens. Good teams don't let it sink them. Philly drafted a wr before Jefferson. They moved on and got Brown. It would help if the fan base wouldn't just accept every schmuck they put in uniform. Let em hear it.
  17. How many sides of your mouth can you talk out of? Now you'd have Barkley but not Robinson. You believe in Parcells but when he says Allen is playing "solitare" that "personnel" he suggests isn't the runners? Why? The entire Parcells tree is predicated on the power running game. Remember OJ?...Anderson?
  18. Yes. A boat load of Cook loving Bills fans
  19. Idk for sure I just never had the feeling the guy was going anywhere, but staying in Green Bay. I think he's going somewhere this time or when contract is up. ... we were lucky enough to miss Hall both games. Til he went down the Jets were cookin.. no pun intended
  20. They've got breece hall though. They can run. We have Allen. They can defend. We have Allen.
  21. Rb isn't even a lower option on your list? You need a whole line of trent Williams types if Cook is going to carry the load, or someone that can run with a little power anyway.
  22. So Josh is your guy on 4th and 2? He already made it a point he's taking too many hits. You don't list a guy that cam break arm tackles.
  23. Need a running game to find out. Truth is fans like to point but everything starts up front and with a running game.
  24. Guess we will see. I never had a feeling he was going anywhere til now.
  25. Bait? Sounds like it's already done. Writing on the wall
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