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Posts posted by Boxcar

  1. 2 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    No I was speaking of the of the Magic Card.   I took at look at the sold auctions on ebay, its one thing to list it for that much, but I was surprised to see one sold for that much.   For sports cards I get it, they depict some of the greatest athletes of our time in their youth.  


    I dont get it as much on the MAGIC end.   And I am not saying that to be a jerk, I literally just dont understand the value.   Is it the art, or the nostalgia?  I'd love to know more about why the boom is happening.  Trends like that are interesting.

    I'm not sure why this boom is particularly happening, but with game trading cards, first editions are incredibly valuable. For example, this Black Lotus card which was part of the very first MTG printing in 1993 is worth hundreds of thousands, but the same card two editions later is worth a couple thousand.


    For that matter, I am seeing first edition Charizard Pokemon cards selling for 500k. I could have bought that card for 50 bucks 20 years ago, when I was actually collecting those cards. 😢

  2. 16 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    Sports cards are booming right now as well.   One of these things actually sold at auction for 511,000 dollars.   This tells me some people have way too much disposable income. 

    Are you referring to the Topps Mickey Mantle card? That went for 5.2 million.


    Keeping a card that old in mint condition must have been incredibly difficult. The magic cards at least are around 30 years old, and many of us had the opportunity to buy some in the Alpha stage.

  3. 16 minutes ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Because he said it back in November when addressing specifically the long term plan of the Houston Texans, and what the Texans should do. A lot changed since then.


    Plus, he never said "I want to win a championship, and I dont care about money". So while he realized that he doesnt have 10 years left, and wants to win a championship, he also realized "I have to make as much money in that small window as I can".


    I was looking for quotes he put out since his release as it pertains to his Free Agency. There arent any. In any direction. Everything that folks said about what he would want were all just made-up guesses.




    The Rex Effect

    I don't want to egg this on, but what changed, exactly? I actually think what's transpired makes the quote more relevant. He didn't see himself winning with Texas, so he left. He proceeded to join a team that also won't win. He was always going to have to take less to go to a contender, he knows that, so he chose money. I would not fault him had he not blown smoke up everyone's ass about his Superbowl aspirations.

  4. On 2/25/2021 at 5:15 PM, K-9 said:

    Given that it’s Canada and involves Canadians, there’s a chance that those are actual people frozen in that ice. 

    Manitoba is the red headed stepchild of Canada that we all pretend doesn't exist.

  5. 19 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    Ok, close. But that was in the context of playing for the Texans and their plans back in November. Bit of a stretch when talking about the recent FA situation.


    I wouldnt call the Cardinals a re-build either.

    How was that a stretch? "I don't have 10 years left. I want to win a championship, that's what I want" is about as unambiguous as it gets.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 19 hours ago, dave mcbride said:

    What are you talking about? SF almost took the lead with less than two minutes to go. Garappolo slightly overthrew Sanders; otherwise it'd have been six. Regardless, if you're complaining about a coach losing a very close super bowl as opposed to an offensive-minded coach (Kingsbury) leading a team to 19 total points in the final two weeks of the 2020 season when the playoffs were in the Cards' grasp, I don't know what to say.    

    That 49ers team wasn't supposed to be that good, either. He juiced every last bit of value from that roster.


    Meanwhile, the Cardinals had hype last year, some chatter about Murray being in the MVP conversation (lol) and traded for a top 5 WR, and finished the season about as pathetically as humanly possible.


    I guess it's easier to not lose in the Superbowl if you never get there in the first place...ah now I see. Kliff is a genius!

    8 minutes ago, BuffaloRebound said:

    Well I hope this means that Beane wouldn’t go above a certain number for Watt because he thinks there’s better free agents out there he can land.  

    Regardless of if they are or aren't, there's no way I'd want to spend that much on Watt. I wanted Watt, but 23 million guaranteed...yikes.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    And how exactly are the Niners better?  

    They have a worse QB, most of their best players coming off serious injuries, losing some key members of the defense this offseason, and the Cardinals have a better overall offense.  And after this offseason, a case can be made the Cardinals have the better defense.

    AZ defense is easily the second best in the division right now with the potential to be the best defense in that division. 

    AZ has a very good offense that is improving each year and can easily finish first or second offensively this year.


    Sorry, but people are wrong about the Cardinals prospects next year and if Watt stays healthy, that defense is going to be very good.

    Cardinals already had a good defense. I'm meh on Murray, and Kyle Shanahan is probably 20x the coach Kliff Kingsbury is. I think SF's D is still better, and will be better. Gun to my head, I pick the Cards to finish 4th. I think everyone agrees that the Rams are at the top, and then I guess you can argue over second between the remaining 3.


  8. 4 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    One, I’m glad he went somewhere in the NFC and also that he’s not a Bill.  I would have been excited for him if he signed here, dont get me wrong, but his cost, age and injury history are a concern plus he doesn’t fill our biggest hole on defense which is beef in the middle of the defense.


    We were 6th in the NFL in pressuring the QB last year and second fastest team in NFL in getting to QB behind only Steelers.


    But, AZ isn’t a bad choice for him.  That’s a team on the rise that is expected to contend next year.  Defense was solid already and offense is getting better each year as Kyler grows.  

    So I wouldn’t say he did it only for the money, I mean warm weather and up and coming team, not mention D-Hop is there.  

    Don’t be surprised if AZ wins that division next year.  

    I would actually be shocked. Every other team in that division, other than maybe the Seahawks, is better.

  9. 34 minutes ago, Buftex said:

    I understand. But, did you watch him in the playoffs?  He is not mobile at all, and looks like a sitting duck.  Him ending up as a starter somewhere does not scare me as a Bills fan...it scares me for him.

    Oh, what I meant by starter somewhere else just means that he'd be putting himself in danger a lot less often here, not that I'm scared of the team that signs him.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. On 2/27/2021 at 9:01 PM, CincyBillsFan said:


    I disagree.  IMO Allen is better then Watson now and that gap will only widen next season.


    IMO I also consider Rogers, Brady & Wilson to be clearly better then Watson.


    And I'm curious as to what you would say is Watson's "proven" track record?  He's clearly been a very good QB on a decent team during his first 3 seasons but beyond that what has he actually proven? 



    He's proven that he's good at playing QB. In a year where the league was packed with great QBs, Watson, with no Diggs, Lockett, Metcalf, Hill, Kelce or Evans tier receivers, led the league in passing yards. I can't imagine time of possession was great for the Texans, either, given their awful defense. He's special. He's better than Wilson. I view it Mahomes-Allen/Rodgers/Watson-Brady that are my top 5. Prescott when healthy and Wilson are up there, too. Imo, it's a clear top 4, though, and you could probably 2-4 in any order and justify it until Josh Allen ascends next season to be the new unquestioned #1.

    • Agree 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, JGMcD2 said:

    I feel strongly that the Bills locker room culture is probably the strongest in the NFL.  I think Cleveland is a crap show... I’ve heard that from people inside there... even under Stefanski. A lot of individuals. Green Bay has great history... they’re a well run franchise... that’s important for culture. 

    Supporting cast I’d argue everyone is roughly equal at the moment. Watt would love playing with Garrett... but their defense needs a ton of work. 

    I think we have the most pieces and our defense turned a corner in the 2nd half and really until the Chiefs game... honestly all that matters is that Watt is part of the solution to beating KC. I’m cool going like 11-5 or 10-6 this year because we drop games to teams that we don’t match up with, so long as our defense is designed to beat KC. 

    Well, their best player is a guy who should be in jail for attempted second degree murder, soo...

  12. 3 minutes ago, JGMcD2 said:

    Glad he’s getting closer to a decision. 

    While I like Stefanski and the direction the Browns are going, I just think that’s the worst landing spot for Watt. I don’t think they’re ready to win a SB this year and 2022, maybe. They played such a weak schedule this year and were extremely inconsistent. A lot of individual players on that team and I can’t see Baker Mayfield out dueling Mahomes or Allen.  


    His chances at a SB with Buffalo are better, but still severely limited with KC being the top dog. It would make more sense than Cleveland, but still probably not the best spot to win a SB. 

    I think GB is the most logical choice for him, it’s just a matter of if they move things around with the cap. The NFC is a mess. GB has shown under LaFleur they’re going to be damn good in the regular season and they’ve been on the cusp of the SB two years in a row. Epic collapses, but it’s the easiest path IMO. 

    Obviously he has other criteria... cap space, culture and supporting cast. 

    Aaron Rodgers was good last season, but the season prior he really wasn't that special. Who knows what to expect from him as he ages. Josh Allen is the best bet going forward if QB is one of the most important things to Watt. The Chiefs aren't going to stay good forever, and the Bills are right there, anyway.


    If his chances at a SB are limited in Buffalo because of KC, there is still the fact that it would imply KC going to the SB much of the time, so they'd have to beat them anyway. Plus, I think, right now, the Bills are a better team than the Packers, not to mention all the cap space GB would have to clear out. All we have to do, really, is cut Addison and Butler, maybe extend Smoke at a lower cap hit and we can afford him.


    Only way he chooses GB, imo, is simply because they are the team he grew up rooting for. I just don't know how much that applies to a guy who's been playing for a different team for so long. Only time I remember it being a real driving force for a highly sought after player was when John Tavares signed with the Maple Leaves, but the Leaves are probably the largest market in the NHL, so who knows.

  13. Just now, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Dude is a diva. 

    Not even a small part of you enjoys his trolling? I mean, we're all still waiting for the cap number anyway, so FA isn't really in full swing yet and we aren't absolutely desperate for him. I think it's funny, and considering I viewed JJ Watt as kind of a less robotic Russ Wilson before, I find his behaviour endearing and it's making me want him even more.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Buftex said:

    Honestly, as much as I admire him for his dedication to coming back, he was just painful to watch....as in, every time he was under pressure, I was holding my breath expecting to see blood.  I wish, for his own sake, he would hang it up.

    It's not like he's doing this under his own guidance. I mean, Dak Prescott is coming back after a similar injury. The broken leg was like 20% of Smith's issue. The reason he missed so much time was because of the flesh eating bacteria he contracted. He's got doctor approval to play, and as a backup we would actually be ensuring he doesn't land somewhere as a starter.


    It would also be kind of fitting that the guy who mentored Mahomes would take on the same role with Allen, which seems to be something he actually embraces.

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