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Posts posted by Boxcar

  1. 1 minute ago, Kwai San said:


    I get that Brady is the GOAT.....but he like MJ are not especially liked as people.  There are plenty of athletes I respect and would love them on the Bills.  But Brady?  Gronk?  PEDelmon?  Hard pass for me.....

    Yeah I just don't really understand it. Clever nickname for Edelman, though.

  2. 1 hour ago, jlgarsh said:

    They did that despite warnings that it was a terrible idea. I'm pretty sure after their opening series, they're going back to reduced capacity. 

    Unless there's some massive breakout traced back to those games, I dunno why they would. We should be hoping everything goes well, it will show the tangible progress that's been made since last year.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 53 minutes ago, Kwai San said:


    This lineup gets my vote followed by Brady.....


    Yer a youngun eh?

    Nope, I remember Brady's first season. I'm also a Blue Jays fan and had to deal with Yankees/Red Sox even longer. I have a dislike of the Red Sox, but I didn't turn my nose up when we grabbed Kevin Millar until it was obvious he was terrible at the sport. It's one thing to have a healthy rivalry with a team and it's quite another to get to the point where you wish injury on them for the crime of being really good for 20 years. 


    I find the vitriol for Brady especially sad. He's one of the greatest athletes of our lifetimes, across all sports.

  4. 45 minutes ago, MJS said:

    People suffer all the time and manage not to go on a murder spree.

    This seems to be a too common occurrence with CTE. We can crap on the guy for doing something horrible all we want (and it's warranted) but there is a much deeper problem here that we should probably consider.


    Chris Benoit, Aaron Hernandez, Junior Seau, Tyler Hilinski, etc. It's clearly an issue. Why would anyone discount this?

    • Disagree 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    i dont think anything Brandt said was unfair. I think we've seen enough to know Allen will be a top guy for years to come but i cant blame somebody for wanting to see more than one year of great production.

    More tongue in cheek. He's been such a Bills fanboy for a few months now I was expecting a totally rosy view of Josh but I don't disagree that he was fair. I was surprised at Schrager's response, though.

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 18 minutes ago, H2o said:

    Thanks for posting. It's funny how the QB gets all of the praise or ALL of the fault in people's eyes. Was the AFC Title game Josh's best performance? No. But the OL was horrendous, our WR group was banged up (hell, Beasley was playing with a broken leg), the Chiefs were playing some dirty football, and their defense got flagged for nothing while they were engaged in holding/DPI/illegal contact 7 out of every 10 snaps. Fast forward to the SB where Brady and Tampa got the calls that we didn't and you see the end result. If our defense improves getting to the QB, we improve covering TE's, and our offense is on par with last year? Watch out. 

    I'm surprised none of them brought up the fact that Mahomes looked even worse than Josh did in the Superbowl. Kay's argument sucked. Is Dan Marino not a great QB because he never won a Superbowl? Jim Kelly? Rodgers has one, but if they didn't win that game, would he not be proven? On the other side, what about guys like Eli Manning and Joe Flacco?


    The SB = QB success is so tired and really a lazy argument. I feel like Schrager and KB did some kind of Freaky Friday thing. Disappointing, Kyle!

    • Disagree 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:

    the logic isn’t hard to follow, even if you disagree.  There are over 20 sets of factual allegations.  When there’s that many, the gist of them are almost always true.  Here that gist is he used massages for sexual purposes.  Whether or not it rises to harassment/assault is really the only issue.  

    but with that many independent allegations, it’s pretty reasonable to believe he was being inappropriate during massages.   

    As of yet, they are NOT factual allegations.


    These also weren't independent. We see it all the time where it starts with one and snowballs. Buzbee was actively looking for more women. Some experienced different things than others, and a small percentage likely experienced nothing at all.


    If Watson did what is alleged, he should be punished accordingly. That needs to be proven.


    For me, personally, the higher the number gets, the more suspicious I get. One or two I could see Watson thinking he could get away with, but 20-30? Risking his entire career for something that will surely come out publicly seems...weird. But, maybe he did have a sex addiction. Maybe he did think because he was who he was that everything he did could be considered consensual. But, at the end of the day, no one really knows what happened, and I am clearly not a big fan of jumping to the assumption of guilt before his side of the story is even heard.

    • Eyeroll 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Rochesterfan said:


    The “big deal” is that the increase infection rate was not necessarily the people that choose to go to the game and accept the risk.  The increased rate was in the surrounding community.  The study does not make a conclusion that people at the game necessarily spread the infection amongst themselves.  The conclusion was the gatherings lead to more people in the area: potential waiters/bar workers, grocery store clerks, security, testing personnel, hotel workers, Uber drivers, food delivery (Grub Hub), parking attendants, concession workers and vendors, etc. - all were part of the contact tracing and the gathering of >5000 fans saw this group of people infected more frequently than when no fans were present.


    The people at the game chose to go and accepted the risk - the others impacted were just doing their job, but their job put them in higher contact with people that chose to go and did it without their choice or acceptance.  They did it because they lived paycheck to paycheck and had to go to work.


    If the entire increase had just been confined to those that chose to go - then you are correct, but the issue is the collateral people impacted and then the secondary and tertiary people infected by them.


    The study is dumb because the findings were fairly easy to know before hand as any large gathering be it riots, political gatherings, or routine things like birthday, weddings, and funerals- all showed increase spread, but it needed to be done to confirm the thoughts and see - could large outdoor gatherings of fans really not lead to increased community spread.


    Bit misleading. I'd put all my chips on spread happening in the concourse, rest rooms, in line for food. How much spread there was, not sure. How many people died because of it, not sure. It's a scare tactic to keep people in line. For some reason, they really find the journey towards normalcy appalling.

    • Like (+1) 2
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  9. 10 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    You know, this really should be a football relevant topic that we can have a discussion about, but if this is the reaction, I guess the answer is still "no".


    Science seldom proves anything.  Scientists are a cautious bunch.  We're the ones who get asked "what color is this house painted?" and say "the two sides I can see appear to be blue".  So "suggesting a causal link" but not proving it, is about the best we can do, but it should at least be given some attention and not dismissed out of hand.


    If you look at the actual article, they tried pretty hard to account for those other causes




    Ignoring the science, those people chose to go to those games and accepted the risks. Not sure what the big deal is. Of course there will be more cases if you're in a football stadium, not locked inside.


    1 hour ago, appoo said:

    That's a fair point with regards to the children. If that doesn't become available till late summer or something, you can't really say they've had access, and it would be fair to  request either a vaccine or test if that were the case


    With regards to efficacy, all 3 of the vaccines are 100% effective  in preventing even hospitalization, much less death - and I should note that I'm perfectly ok with organizations asking people to mask when using their facilities.


    As for my empathy comment, that was specifically targeted to those people who have access to the vaccine, and refuse to take it.


    I certainly have a ton of empathy for those who can not access a vaccine, and would do my best to protect them. That's why even though I'll be vaccinated by mid April, I plan on masking and social distancing in public through the rest of the year.

    What are the effects 2 years from now?

    • Sad 1
  10. 7 hours ago, Crayola64 said:


    I don’t think a lot of people understand the process is unlikely to ever play out.  It is unlikely Watson ever has a jury trial (civil or criminal).  

    all we can do is look at the evidence.  We don’t have any here, so I wouldn’t judge much personally.  But I think when you start getting 20-40 accusers, it is as reasonable to judge as most videos.



    Though, under NFL precedent, he already has done enough to be suspended.  Which is dumb imo

    I understand how the law works quite well, thank you.  But this whole discussion is about judging, so not sure what you’re talking about.  None of us hypothetical jurors for a hypothetical trial.

    Maybe Watson should find 100 people to say he's innocent. That's more than the women, so I'd have to conclude he did nothing wrong.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Crayola64 said:

    People always say wait for the legal process to play out, but that isn’t always the reasonable standard.  Did anyone need to let the legal process play out to know ray rice did something wrong and illegal?  No, because we saw the evidence.


    in other words, we were made aware of facts before the legal process played out and that was enough.


    20+ accusations isn’t evidence or a fact we can look at like a video.  But it’s damning enough circumstances that judging him is more than reasonable.  

    No one said you can't judge Watson, have at it. No one is forcing you to like how the law works. Pretty dumb comparison, though. It would be apt if there was a single instance of video evidence, just like Rice.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Captain Hindsight said:

    Has any of his teammates come out to defend him? Former teammates? I havent seen anything like that.


    That to me is very telling. I realize there is an investigation and players may want to keep their names out of it, but I remember when Kellen Winslow was arrested and ultimately convicted, former teammates told stories of how they hated being Winslow's roommate on trips because he would ***** in the rooms and was like well known to have a sex addiction 

    I don't think it's telling at all. First, his teammates probably have no idea what actually happened, and second, sticking your neck out for him could cost them something too, as the Twitter mob would set their sights on that player.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, stosh64 said:

    Did you notice how upset Josh got when he got that one answer wrong?

    He tried to hide it but couldn't, it really bothered him getting one wrong.

    He is ultra competitive in EVERYTHING.

    God I love this kid!  Thank God he is a Buffalo Bill.

    I watched the whole hour, it flew by.

    From the start, he immediately brought up beating Alex Smith. Just a pure competitor.

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 21 hours ago, Jobot said:

    Force feed ads that you have to click on is the latest greatest craze!


    Maybe if I'm positive about this forum my post won't get taken down? Either way, super great call leaders!

    The site trying to recoup hosting fees/make money off its own success? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!


    What if I accidentally click on an ad? What then?!

  15. 8 hours ago, scuba guy said:

    FYI it all up to the government aka Cuomo and he may be in jail by then so, the short answer is its up to the feds and state government.

    If all goes well with the vaccines and we wave at the crystal ball maybe full attendance but that may be a pipe dream.


    Keeping positive 

    Texas Rangers just had 38000 for their home opener. People are whining about it, as expected, but if they are doing that now, I have to imagine full capacity for everyone is perfectly achievable by the start of the season.

  16. 1 hour ago, Rigotz said:

    It’s amazing what the NFL is willing to overlook. Antonio brown was accused of worse and seems to have awful character issues, but he’s still allowed to win Super Bowls with his best friend Tom.

    Not just NFL. Domingo German and Roberto Osuna committed some pretty serious domestic assault. Osuna played again that same season (albeit after being traded) and German is playing now...he isn't even very good, so there isn't even an angle to ignore the crime because of talent.


    Probably the same in the NHL given the number of meathead goons, but I pay zero attention.

  17. 7 hours ago, wppete said:

    Damn bro you are heartless... Watson isn’t playing football ever again unless it’s in the prison yard. 

    Allegations need to be proven. Until that happens, everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.


    I don't know why people still make judgments based on one side of the story. Why can't everyone just shut up and let the process play out? You know, the one between the two parties who have any idea what really happened?

    • Vomit 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  18. 1 minute ago, warrior9 said:



    they want more players to be able to wear single digits and teens, (CBs, TEs, WR, DB, RB, etc)

    Yeah I got that now. Players switch positions so often that they often have to abandon their old number because it isn't allowed. I don't think it would bother me to see a LB with a single digit number but it might just be something to get used to. I'm normally for more player freedom, and I don't really see the harm.

  19. 8 hours ago, TC in St. Louis said:

    I learned quite a bit from this.  I think we have 2 good players here.  Lots of people are down on Singletary, but he had some good moments.  And, as a previous poster pointed out, Moss is a great blocker.  Breida might be a great addition.  I'm feeling a lot better after watching this.  

    Gotta admit, I was surprised at the tape of how well Singletary reads gaps and his patience. I agree with Erik's assessment that the run game woes fall largely on the OL.


    And yeah, I kinda thought Moss and Singletary were interchangable but they each have different but valuable skills. I'd dress Breida, Motor and Moss pretty much every game. Breida could be a great weapon on the outside, clearly something Moss and Singletary do not excel at.

  20. 6 minutes ago, warrior9 said:

    Yeah. It's not necessarily about the numbers per se but the integrity of the "professional" side of football.


    It's helped to identify personnel. Even in pre-season when I saw this, I thought it looked so elementary and so un- uniformed (if that's a word).

    The vast majority of players already adhere to this framework regardless. Oh no, an OL wants to wear 49! I mean, I understand numbers as positional identifiers but the number ranges they've proposed are so vast, it's essentially meaningless.


    E: I'm an idiot, I misread this entire thing. I didn't realize this is to lessen restrictions. I do not oppose this.

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