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Everything posted by Griz

  1. yes, Rich some rite xxcepshunally gud and I for won think purhaps your in that ilete grup.
  2. Given the latest news, you'd have to think it is also NECESSARY for players to reworked many deals today... that is if they want to play football. Seems the complextion of everyone's situation has just changed dramatically. You would have to think that is factoring into EM's decision now, eh?
  3. "Hey, Hey.... my, my" how silly this is getting!
  4. Exactly. They are obviously going back and forth on this deal... and I hope it gets done.
  5. Congratulations.... you're going to Hollywood!
  6. "There's a number of things I learned. In 2001, we were not criticized for that. When we were 6-10 (in 1999) we were criticized for that. So what I learned is you better win. When you win, you're pretty smart. When you don't, you're not." ... Not to brag, but I learned that when I was 5.
  7. Mike Sherman as OC? What would you think then?
  8. Lions new HC
  9. ...Vandershank
  10. Joe "I'm talking into the palm of my hand" Pendry
  11. Saints to LA
  12. Touchy.
  13. Didn't he have a broken ass last year?
  14. Respect the present, honor the past, love the team, and shut up.
  15. Whew... at least Sape is still there! Seriously though, you have some interesting predictions. Let the competition begin!
  16. Rashad Baker - 4 int's
  17. New Miami Dolphin draft picks begin off season workouts, specifically designed to stop Willis McGahee.
  18. Hmmmm....
  19. I shoot a Martin compound bow, a Remington BDL in .308 Win. and an 870 pump 12 ga. shotgun. This past year, I shot three deer, a couple turkey and... oh, pffft... Golf? Never mind.
  20. That's hilarious! But really, it's more of an argument AGAINST wearing them.
  21. I am the Director of Training and Development for a small company that prepares young women for employment in massage parlors.
  22. It's actually a pretty good strategy, often employed by the injuns out west to pile up the buffalo. Bones can still be found near these "buffalo jumps".
  23. ...and then, it rains.
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