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Everything posted by Griz

  1. You bet! "Turn a crappy time into a Cruzin' good time!!"
  2. I watched the game with the wife, who's no football guru... On the blantant encroachment play; Wife: "I thought they couldn't start the play until the ball was hiked...?" Griz: "@#$%^%^^^@@%^" On the "floating spot" where the line judge ran downfield a yard to spot the Pats ball; Wife: "Does he know he's moving that way? <pointing downfield>" Griz: "@#$%%^^&&**" Geez... I'm one to hardly ever call out the refs, but whether it's us or another team, they sure do seem to have some interesting calls when the Pats are on the field.
  3. Don't worry. Fast Freddie will get picked up by the Jets soon. Didn't their new lob of a coach learn from the Master?
  4. Marcia warms up... "Yes, it's this finger that usually smells worse"
  5. Good Lord. Beyond Preston, who will be a starter after Villarial gets his usual week 4 hang nail, we have NO depth on our line. Keep yer fingers crossed....
  6. Welcome to the Wall. Waste - gradual loss, or decrease by use. Waist - that thing you put your belt around. As probably the case with most things in life, our O-line will surprise you. Good day.
  7. Think we can get him to play O-line too?
  8. As practice ended, we were walking past one of the reception tents where John Carroll was holding an event. London was signing some stuff for our kids when some lady walks by and says, "Who's that?" Her friend whips out the program and says, "Ahhh, it's just some punter." ...and they walk away. Yeah, London's built just like a punter...
  9. Nice pix. Thanks! Three observations; 1) TKO is ripped. 2) Robert Royal is tall 3) Shaud Williams is short
  10. You have to like this quote when Fairchild addresses run v. pass and his various coaching influences, in today's BN article; "...it's less about scheme and more about a mentality - that's how you want to play." Hmmmm... less about scheme. I suppose that means we won't see any of the hairy high school plays on third and goal? Here's to you Steve-O!!!
  11. I think I'll print up and wear a "Louise" shirt now...
  12. So that was Milloy's problem... too tall.
  13. Nice story This a$$ clown makes it sound as if the loss of Bennie Anderson, Trey Teague and Mike Williams is a bad thing...
  14. Waiter; I'll have whatever he's having...
  15. Yes, I found this article to be quite poignant.
  16. Last year, it was July 16th...
  17. Hey, who you callin' Crikey???
  18. The problem is, that after a few years they won't be out of money. They'll have more of it. And it is this insatiable greed, thriving on the success of the game that is "setting the bar" as per the new CBA.
  19. Nate...? Is that you?
  20. So, last year was your first year watching football, eh?
  21. Two comments here; 1) Thanks for spelling "douche" correctly. 2) The shift keys are the larger ones near the lower corners of your keyboard. Good day.
  22. Choadsmoker...
  23. I think of not dating those cheerleaders often. Those were awesome times we didn't have! The best part was the way we didn't ace all those exams after not staying out late without partying and such. Man, I'm getting overcome with memories I don't have... sniff, sniff...
  24. Hey, watch it. I didn't play there either!
  25. In the future, please refrain from positive posts like this and fall in line with the other hens. Thank You, The Management
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