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Everything posted by Griz

  1. Can't wait to see this kid tear up Carolina next week.
  2. Nice, but needs to fix the pool water.
  3. Youtube TV includes unlimited cloud storage to record programming. Unlike DTV, it's included in the monthly subscription - no additional fees. I believe their cloud storage holds your programs for 9 days.
  4. Just Poncho. Everywhere.
  5. So, let's stop calling it a sporting event. It's simply a protest against the visiting team. Problem solved. Go Bills.
  6. Made the annual call, and here's what they gave me; - $45/mo off DTV bill ($25 forever for bundled cell service and $20 for the next 12 mos. discretionary discount) - Free HBO forever - $20 off cell phone bill (switched to AT&T last year) - $10/mo. off Sunday Ticket payments ($36.99/mo for 6 mos. instead of $46.99) - Free upgrade to ST Max ($95 value) - No need to sign contract Total savings: $75/mo. Free stuff: HBO and ST Max I'm a 17 year customer and I remind them of that annually. I believe the retention dept. is now "customer loyalty". I usually get a much better deal on ST, but with the bundled AT&T cell service, they have much more to work with to reduce costs. I'm happy and with ST Max my 2 sons can alternate watching games of their choices while away at college.
  7. I'm so proud of you guys. Like watching my own kids fledged... NEVER, ever pay full price. Call every year. Cry. Blame the economy. Blame Bush. Use your savings for wings and beer. I'm proud of you...
  8. Mr. Kaepernick's comments are just like his football career; irrelevant and inconsequential.
  9. "The power to turn back time" <sketchy gaze into camera>
  10. Very similar to what I bagged. Ain't life grand?
  11. For some reason, my annual pilgrimage to get ST free was much easier this year. I went on the website and was greeted by a "Chat" invite... to which I responded. After a few friendly volleys I cut to the chase and stated I wanted to be rewarded with something for my 15 years of loyalty. My "chat" friend gave me an 800 number, plus a PIN where my information would be available to a rep waiting on me. The PIN was good for 5 days, but I called immediately. Damned if it wasn't true. A short 15 min. later and I got enough credits to ensure ST for free... then some, plus all the movie channels that I need to remember to cancel in August. My conversation with the rep was much different this year. She was incredibly honest... said she had the power to make stuff happen... wouldn't waste my time... and she produced and was gracious. She also said that many people don't even ask for deals, which essentially pays for the deals those whom ask get. Go figure. I like the new, honest DTV. Here's to the next 15 years Please share your experiences. GO BILLS!!!!!!
  12. You got that right. This guy was awful in the playoffs. We sat next to him when we were having lunch on Sunset Key on Easter last year. Good place to use up some of that money he was overpaid...
  13. Analysis I read indicated Brady was chucking it all over the place in the 4th, and was lucky to not have thrown 5-6 picks. Clearly, the check from Kraft did not clear prior to gametime...
  14. That is all...
  15. Do what you need to do. However, when the Bills win a few games and you call them to reactive, you will likely be fiscally violated. I'll stick with free Ticket. I'll also stick with my team.
  16. I spent an hour on the phone yesterday, and by the time I was done I had talked to five different people. To keep me as a customer, they gave me Sunday Ticket last year for free, so they claimed they could not do that again. It worked out well for me as I wound up getting discounts that exceed the cost of Sunday Tix by about $130, in exchange for signing up for another year commitment... which I would have done anyway. Suggestions; - Be patient and leave yourself an hour - Don't take the first offer - Be polite and respectful In the end, they want to keep your business and they DO offer generous discounts for loyal customers with a good payment history. You just have to ask. Good Luck!
  17. Well friends, it's that magical time of year when we haggle with Directv over our reduced, or free, subscriptions to Sunday Ticket. Please share any recent successes or failures.
  18. I just used my lunch break to call. Here's my story; Mildly, firmly, yet politely complained about the auto renewal note and how I've been a loyal customer for 14 yrs. Stated my love for Sunday Tix, but my disdain for the ever-increasing fees and rising package costs. She put me on hold for 2 minutes (while she filed her fingernails..) and then gave me two options but only one included ST for free... so I took the Sunday Tix for free with a one year renewal/commitment on my account. She also threw in two genies, or a genie and mini-genie. However, I declined when she said there were additional recording fees associated with it. I'm happy, and I will see every game my beloved Bills play this year. GO BILLS!!!
  19. Bring back Carl Mauck!!
  20. This is exactly why most of the country hates the Patriots. Sure, they are good... but the smug arrogance and cry baby persona really defines them to everyone other than NFL announcers.
  21. Hey... it's Vince Wilfork's wife!! I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues...
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